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摘 要
研究架構以學生投入做為理論基礎,依據理論選取變項,並參考美國全國生活學習方案研究(NSLLP)和「邊緣感/受重視」(Schlossberg,1989,1990; Elliot,Kao,Grant,2004)的概念與測量,將變項納入輸入-環境-輸出的模式(the I—E—O Model)中(Astin,1977, 1993),探討個人背景變項與初入學經驗變項(I)、宿舍經驗變項與宿舍外課外校園經驗變項(E)對新生學習困難因應與能力發展、人際與學術整合與學校承諾等成功轉化(O)之影響。
本研究採取混合取向,量化、質化並重的研究方法。量化研究以研究學校96學年度入學住宿於校總區新生宿舍的大一學生為研究對象,編製「國立大學住宿新生成功轉化與重要校園經驗調查問卷」,於第一學期結束時進行普查。發出問卷1050份,回收之有效問卷共計1020份。量化問卷包括個人基本變項、住宿經驗、宿舍以外的課外校園經驗及成功轉化四部份問項,其中包括「邊緣感 /受重視的知覺」量表、「宿舍投入」量表、「宿舍氣氛知覺」量表、「宿舍外課外校園經驗」量表和「成功轉化」等五個量表。質性研究部分則包括參與宿舍生活學習方案的經驗研究以及根據量化結果,選取高分組8位學生所進行的個別訪談,以進一步了解課外校園經驗影響學生成功轉化的原因。
一、 不同個人背景變項,分別在宿舍投入、宿舍氣氛知覺、宿舍外之課外校園經驗各層面,呈現顯著的差異。
二、 不同初入學經驗變項,分別在宿舍投入、宿舍氣氛知覺、宿舍外之課外校園經驗與成功轉化各層面,呈現顯著的差異。
三、 經由階層迴歸分析發現,不同分析階段,對學生的成功轉化均有重要的解釋力,而整體模式對於依變項變異的總解釋力,達59.7%。
四、 質性訪談結果方面,則發現:
住宿新生在轉化的最初階段,需要形成核心支持團體提供心靈的安全與安 定的力量和嘗試新經驗的勇氣;新生以探索有興趣的人、事、物,跨出連結的第一步,並逐漸擴大核心支持團體,形成更大的朋友圈,以提供適應新環境的不同資源。新生在投入校園經驗中與學校環境密切互動,經由和同儕的密切而深入溝通、互相幫助以及老師的關心、啟發,學長姐的教導與帶領的學習機會中,擴大新的體驗,從不同的面向與學校產生連結。最後,新生雖能克服初期轉化所造成的人際與課業上的衝擊,但仍重新摸索著如何才能更確定興趣和目標,讓自己的投入,能夠朝向更具體的學習。
Successful Transitions of Dormitory Freshmen and Its Related Factors: A College as an Example Shwu-Chyong Chen Abstract The purpose of the study was to investigate the experience of the freshmen successful transitions in residence with Living-Learning programs at one public research university in Taiwan, and examine the effects of personal facotrs, precollege experiences, the levels of marginality/mattering, involvements in dormitory and other student activities on successful transitions among residence freshmen. Based on the mixed methods approach,this study completed analyses of data collected through the successful transition and campus experience survey in January 2008, employing a I-E-O research design, with a sample of 1,050 students in the Freshmen Dormitory. Analyses of variance and hierarchical regression models were completed by using the SPSS for Windows 10.0. As an attempt to understand the experience of the students’ successful transitions, a qualitative design was selected, with a phenomenological approach, too. Eigrt students were selected to participate the interviews. Results indicated that the Living-Learning Programs enhances students’ involvements in dormitories and promotes the psychosocial development, their academic and social integration and school commitment. The levels of marginality/mattering, learning experience in residence, and perceptions of social climate in residence hall, have significant impacts to the successful transitions for freshmen. It is, therefore, suggested that college should initiate LLPs to enhance their perception of mattering and involvements in dormitory life so that they can successfully make the transitions. Recommendations for future research were suggested. Keywords: Living-Learning Programs. marginality,mattering,student activities, successful transition,
Successful Transitions of Dormitory Freshmen and Its Related Factors: A College as an Example Shwu-Chyong Chen Abstract The purpose of the study was to investigate the experience of the freshmen successful transitions in residence with Living-Learning programs at one public research university in Taiwan, and examine the effects of personal facotrs, precollege experiences, the levels of marginality/mattering, involvements in dormitory and other student activities on successful transitions among residence freshmen. Based on the mixed methods approach,this study completed analyses of data collected through the successful transition and campus experience survey in January 2008, employing a I-E-O research design, with a sample of 1,050 students in the Freshmen Dormitory. Analyses of variance and hierarchical regression models were completed by using the SPSS for Windows 10.0. As an attempt to understand the experience of the students’ successful transitions, a qualitative design was selected, with a phenomenological approach, too. Eigrt students were selected to participate the interviews. Results indicated that the Living-Learning Programs enhances students’ involvements in dormitories and promotes the psychosocial development, their academic and social integration and school commitment. The levels of marginality/mattering, learning experience in residence, and perceptions of social climate in residence hall, have significant impacts to the successful transitions for freshmen. It is, therefore, suggested that college should initiate LLPs to enhance their perception of mattering and involvements in dormitory life so that they can successfully make the transitions. Recommendations for future research were suggested. Keywords: Living-Learning Programs. marginality,mattering,student activities, successful transition,
成功轉化, 宿舍生活學習方案, 課外校園經驗, 邊緣感/受重視知覺