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隨著網路時代的爆發,結婚的新人們在選擇禮服時,能夠在網路上查找到全球目前的流行,不再像以往被侷限於傳統婚紗公司提供的樣式,也有越來越多新人想要擁有專屬於自己的禮服設計,本研究因應趨勢,認為若能整合整個婚紗產業的上下游廠商,不只能夠提供獨立設計師發展的舞台也能夠同時增加商品豐富度。在第二章節中,整理國內外婚紗品牌及平台的相關文獻資料,搜集網羅知名的婚紗品牌諸如Vera Wang、Elie Saab、Reem Aara這兩季的產品資訊,並針對台灣的婚紗平台:VeryWed非常婚禮、新娘物語、Marry結婚吧以及國外婚禮相關平台:CocoMelody、Floravere、Anomalie進行整理。在第三章研究方法中我們使用個案研究法和專家訪談法,希望經由婚禮相關平台的深入探討了解系統缺失,並且訪談與婚紗產業相關的專家,一為Vera Wang台灣總代理品牌經理,另一位為樺思時裝總監暨負責人,搜集他們對於產業的資訊及見解,希望能夠找出新型品牌切入市場的痛點。第四章則是針對個案平台(Couturme、Anomalie、Zola)進行實際操作,在平台上了解關於婚紗設計的步驟,接著整理三個平台的優勢、融資金額、AI科技運用及特色……等等,另一方面也整理了兩位專家對於婚紗產業的見解,以及他們認為能夠如何因應時代的轉變,而去精進自我系統的想法。第五章的結論中則針對三個研究目的去做分析,深入瞭解婚紗市場內部的缺口發現AI智能系統能夠完善消費者需求,同時創建這個新型的婚紗訂製平台提供獨立設計師發展空間,結合上下游市場後,能夠完整商業模式、大數據統計,達到降低成本的需求。
With the outburst of the Internet, wedding couples nowadays could get with the times and fashion trends when choosing wedding dresses. As a result, people are no longer limited to the styles provided by traditional wedding dress companies. Instead, wedding couples participate in the wedding design and enjoy the co-creation processes considerably. This research discusses the integration of companies in the wedding dress industry to provide opportunities for independent designers and the product variety of wedding dresses in a call of unsatisfied consumer demands.Relevant literature was collected in CH.2, including international wedding dress brands like Vera Wang, Elie Saab, and Reem Aara. Besides, domestic platforms (VeryWed Wedding, Bride Story, Marry) and foreign platforms (CocoMelody, Floravere, Anomalie) were compared.This research combined the case study method and an expert interview to understand the industry demand. Several system functions for wedding platforms were demonstrated, given the pain points reported by designers and the brand managers.In sum, the AI intelligent system can improve the needs of consumers once the design mechanism and steps of wedding dresses can be tagged in a new system, which completes the business model and big data statistics to balance the pros and cons of customized and standardized supply.



時尚, 訂製婚紗, 平台, 人工智慧, 數據分析, Fashion, Custom wedding dress, Platform, Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics

