

摘  要   本研究旨在探討應用跨理論模式運動方案介入對運動行為、社會心理因素及運動改變方法的影響,以及彼此間的影響關係。   本研究為準實驗設計(Quasi-experimental study)採不相等實驗對照組前後測設計,立意取樣臺北巿二所公立工業類科高職,各抽取三個班為實驗組與對照組,以跨理論模式運動階段前三階段者為研究對象,實驗組83人,對照組89人。實驗組進行四個單元的教育介入,對照組僅提供運動手冊,介入前兩組實施前測,介入課程結束實施後測,間隔6個月實施後後測。   研究結果支持應用跨理論模式於高職學生運動行為介入研究,效果良好。主要結果如下: 1.介入後社會心理因素(決策權衡、自我效能)、運動改變方法及運動階段,實驗組呈顯著進步;對照組在自覺運動障礙的後測與後後測較前測顯著增加,而自覺運動利益、運動自我效能、運動改變方法的改變均未達統計顯著水準。 2.介入前後不同組別在三次測量上均呈現顯著交互作用,意謂介入後各測量變項,不同組別各次測量均具有統計上的顯著意義;實驗組顯著優於對照組。 3.經統計考驗自變項、中介變項、結果變項彼此間有一定的預測關係。   根據研究結果提出推廣、學校實務工作及研究上的建議。
Study of Exercise Behavior Intervention Among the Vocational High School Students──Application of the Transtheoretical Model A Dissertation by Wu Jing-Hwei Abstract The main purpose of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of exercise education program in increasing exercise behavior(exercise stage), social psychological factors and processes of change, also to assess the social psychological factors and processes of change mediated the exercise behavior. An nonequivalent experiment control group with baseline, post-test and follow-up(6-month)test. Purposive sampling was conducted two Taipei Municipal vocational high schools of industry . The total effective numbers of the experimental group were 83 and 89 in the control group. The experimental group received four units(four classes)curriculums consisted of three times e-mail booster, and the control group only gave exercise pamphlet. Data was collected via a structured questionnaire. This study found positive effect of the intervention to change exercise behavior for Vocational High School students . The main findings were as follows: 1.After exercise intervention ,there were improved significantly in the experimental group about decision balance , self-efficacy , processes of change and stage of change in exercise , but in the control group, there were increased significantly about the perceived-barrier in exercise. 2.There were significantly interaction within groups and 3 times measurement. 3.The exercise intervention could predict the mediators(Decision balance, self-efficacy , processes of change)significantly,and the mediators could predict the outcome behavior(stage of change in exercise behavior)significantly. According to the above findings, the suggestions were made.



運動行為, 介入, 高職學生, 跨理論模式, exercise behavior, intervention, vocational high school students, The Transtheoretical Model





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