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桃園市中聖里自2006年成為新興的里,面積小、人口密度稠密,里內幾乎都是高樓大廈,是一個典型的都市型社區。首任里長連任迄今十餘年,一直以「社區營造」的理念推動社區各項事務與大小活動。本研究旨在了解桃園市中聖里社區營造的目標、作法,並參據聯合國教科文組織提出的學會求知、學會做事、學會共處、學會發展、學會改變等終身學習五種基本的學習能力及其具體的內涵,分析及提出中聖里民、志工參與社區營造過程獲致的社區學習。 研究採質性研究的個案研究法,經由深度訪談來蒐集資料。研究結果歸納中聖里社區營造三大目標為創造在地記憶、重建人際網絡、落實生態社區,並經由舉辦各項社區活動、推動流浪貓TNVR、開辦社區照顧關懷據點、社區團購、環保資源管理等以達成目標。同時也運用理念宣導、動員社區民眾、行動帶領等方式引導社區居民進行學習。參與社區營造使中聖里民與志工經由非正式學習在不知不覺狀態下學習許多事物: 一、在學會求知方面:因應科技進步,時常運用網路資源學習及解決問題,培養了「學習如何學習」的方法。 二、在學會做事方面:運用科技創新工作技能、培養里民合宜的社會行為、從做中學習處理事情的步驟及互助學習。 三、在學會共處方面:培養認識自己及他人的能力、培養同理心,社區居民可以為共同目標而努力。 四、在學會發展方面:自我導向學習以促進自我實現並獲得歸屬感,學習認同社區在地文化、學習審美和欣賞、學習關懷和尊重,無形中豐富了人格特質。 五、在學會改變方面:促進個人及社區接受全球氣候變遷、大自然反撲,反思人與自然的關係,改變居民思考行為模式,培養人與生態環境的友善關係。也希望將中聖里廣受內、外肯定的社區營造經驗,擴展到臺灣其它地方。 本研究根據研究結果提出相關建議。 關鍵字:社區營造、社區學習
Zhong-Sheng Village in Taoyuan City has become an emerging village since 2006. It is small and densely populated. Many skyscrapers are located in the village and it is a typical urban community. The first Chief of Village has continued in office for more than ten years and has been promoting community affairs and activities with the notion of "community empowerment". The purpose of this study is to explore the goals and practices of the construction of the Zhong-Sheng village community in Taoyuan City. Besides, the study analyzed and proposed the community learning which Zhong-Sheng villager and volunteers had gained during the process of community empowerment, referring to the five basic learning abilities of lifelong learning and their specific connotations proposed by UNESCO as learning to know, learning to do, learning to live together, learning to be, and learning to change. This study used the case study method of qualitative research and collected data through in-depth interviews. The results of the study indicated that the three goals of the Zhong-Sheng village community empowerment are creating local memories, rebuilding interpersonal networks and implementing ecological communities. The village achieve these goals by organizing various community activities, promoting stray cats TNVR, starting a community care center, community group purchases, and environmental resource management. Simultaneously, guide the community residents to learn by applying concept propaganda, mobilizing the community people, and action leading. Participating in community empowerment make Zhong-Sheng village residents and volunteers learn many things through informal learning unconsciously. 1. In learning to know: Thanks to advanced technology, villagers often use online resources to learn and to solve problems, cultivating the ability of "learning how to learn." 2. In learning to do: Innovating work skills via technology, establishing appropriate social behaviors, learning the steps to dealing with things and helping each other from doing. 3. In learning to live together: Cultivate the ability to recognize themselves and others, cultivate empathy. Therefore, residents can work for common goals. 4. In learning to be: Self-directed learning can promote self-realization and gain a sense of belonging. Also, learn to identify the community's local culture, aesthetic and appreciation, solicitude and respect. These invisibly enrich their personality traits. 5. In learning to change: Induce individuals and communities to accept global climate change, nature’s revenge, to reflect on the relationship between human and nature, to change the residents' mode of thinking, and to develop friendly relationship between people and the ecological environment. In addition, hoping that the experience of Zhong-Sheng Village’s community empowerment, which is widely recognized, will be promoted to other parts of Taiwan. This study proposes relevant recommendations based on the results of the study. Keywords: community empowerment, community learning



社區營造, 社區學習, community empowerment, community learning

