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各式各樣的行動裝置出現在學生的生活和教室中,關於行動裝置的使用與影響,成為教學者需要關注的議題。本研究旨在探討「行動裝置」輔助創造思考教學融入美術課程對高中學生創造力的影響。研究目的為(1)發展行動裝置輔助創造思考教學融入美術課程的教學策略與課程設計。(2)探討行動裝置輔助創造思考教學融入美術課程的困難與限制。(3)分析行動裝置輔助創造思考教學融入美術課程對高二學生,在創造力的影響。(4)根據研究結果,提出結論與建議以提供未來參考。採量化統計輔助質性資料的方式進行準實驗研究,量的方面,以新北市某高級中學六個班的高二學生,將其分成實驗組與對照組各三班來進行研究。實驗組以行動裝置輔助創造思考教學融入美術課程,而對照組則以一般創造思考教學授課。教學前後皆以「陶倫斯創造思考測驗圖形版」施測,測驗後再以獨立樣本t檢定、成對樣本t檢定進行組間與組內的比較;質的方面,收集學生作品、課堂攝影、學習單資料以及問卷的方式,來瞭解行動裝置用於課堂教學對學生創造力培育時產生的影響。研究結果如下: (1)行動裝置融入課程能更便利教師課程活動的進行,更能提升學生的學習興趣以及主動學習的心態。 (2)行動裝置輔助創造思考教學融入美術課程對學生創造力的提升顯著優於一般創造思考教學融入美術課程。 (3)行動裝置在輔助教師教學時面臨的困難與問題,經過反思後,都能找到改善及解決的途徑。 (4)創造力的顯著成效難在短時間內有大幅度的改變。
The growing usage of mobile devices have been causing extensive impacts on student’s daily lives and learning experiences, therefore it becomes crucial for educators to carefully examine and analyze the usage of these mobile devices as well as its effects in the learning environment. The goal of this research is to determine the impact of mobile device in creative learning and its integration in high school art courses. The study aims to 1) explore the application of mobile devices in art course teaching and curriculum design. 2) Examine the difficulties and limitation of mobile devices integration in the creative learning courses. 3) Analyze how the integration of mobile devices may have affected the creative thinking in different student learning groups. 4) To provide a concluded summary and suggest future proposals based on the study results. Statistical sampling will be conducted to assist this research, in which six classrooms of students will be divided into half: three of which will be the experimental group, and the other three classrooms as the control group. The experimental group will have its course curriculum conducted with mobile devices integration, whereas the control group will follow the traditional creative thinking course curriculum without the integration of mobile devices. Using Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (TTCT) before and after taught, then compared to the dependent sample and paired sample to t-test between two groups. The impact of this research is to be reviewed based on the quality of student works. Classroom photographs and learning data will be collected to further support this review and surveys will also be conducted to assist the research process. The results are as follow: 1) The integration of mobile devices in class not only assists the progression of course activities, but also effectively enable, engage, and empower students learning experiences. 2) The integration of mobile devices is significantly enhanced student creativity in contrast to traditional course curriculum. 3) After carefully examination, the difficulties and problems of mobile device integration in coursework have been successfully resolved. 4) It is difficult to have significant growth of creativity in a short period of time.



行動裝置, 創造思考教學, 美術課程, mobile devices, creative thinking, art courses





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