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本研究基於XML對於圖書館的重要性及對於XML的發展趨勢,來檢視XML相關課程在東南亞及臺灣地區圖書資訊學系所的課程現況,並就其XML相關課程內容安排對於臺灣地區圖書資訊系所學生圖書資訊專業能力之提升,以及是否符合職場應用上之需求進行研究分析。 本研究利用網站內容分析法,針對1998-2008年東南亞曾舉辦亞洲數位圖書館國際研討會(ICADL)的10個國家中,調查提供英文網頁的96所圖書資訊學系所以及國內9所圖書資訊系所網頁之XML相關課程內容現況,並就各校之學位設置,課程位階,修習學分數與必選修規定,獨立開課及規劃實作單元與否,以及課程主題等面向進行分析;其次,針對XML相關課程內容對圖書資訊系所畢業2年以上,曾經修習XML相關課程之畢業生就修課滿意度、修習XML技術認知及課程規劃等三面向施以問卷調查;同時以深度訪談法訪談10名研究對象。研究結果顯示:XML技術對圖書資訊學領域的重要性已無庸置疑,臺灣地區各校XML教學相對於東南亞各國更加重視,但在課程規劃上,應安排實作單元,並擴及各XML相關主題課程,對於學習XML才有顯著學習效果;其次,圖書館學會也應定期提供XML相關在職訓練教育,持續強化圖書資訊學從業人員的專業能力。
This study aims to investigate the current XML-related courses available in 96 LIS schools in South East Asia and Taiwan‘s 9 LIS schools. Also, this study investigates the linkage of library school graduates in Taiwan who took different levels of XML-related education (that is XML arranged as an individual course or XML arranged as a section unit in courses) and their professional qualification. Research questions include what is the availability of XML-related courses in countries in Taiwan and South East Asia? What are Taiwan LIS graduates‘ views on degree of XML-related courses satisfaction, cognition of learning XML technology, and views of XML-related courses? What is the linkage of Taiwan LIS graduates who studied different levels of XML-related education and their professional qualifications? This study applies 3 research methodologies: information gathering from the internet; questionnaire surveys; in-depth interviews. Results of the analysis show that XML has no doubt of the importance to LIS. Althouth LIS schools in Taiwan pay more attention to XML-related courses than that in South East Asia, the queationaire and interview results show that they should provide each topic of XML-related courses with practical sessions, and library associations should provide regular XML-related continuing education to enhance LIS students‘ professional qualifications.



可擴展標誌語言(XML), 圖書資訊學教育, 圖書資訊學課程, 資訊相關位階, 數位圖書館, eXtensible Markup Language(XML), Library and information science(LIS) education, Library science curriculum, Information-related positions, Digital library





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