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國立臺灣師範大學體育研究所碩士學位論文 高中羽球選手不同殺球動作之三維運動學分析 研究生:張少遜 指導教授:黃長福 博士 摘 要 本研究是以三維空間攝影,針對八名平均身高174.1公分,體重67.3公斤,年齡18.4歲,全國中學運動會羽球項目第三名的高中羽球選手,在實施模擬移位原地殺球與跳躍殺球動作進行運動學分析。旨在了解及探討不同殺球動作擊球時之三維運動學參數。本實驗以Redlake 高速攝影機二台,以250Hz拍攝、Motus影片分析軟體、SAS 8.02版統計分析軟體計算分析,以相依樣本t考驗檢驗殺球與跳殺的運動學參數關係,得到下列結果: 一、高中羽球選手之殺球與跳躍殺球,因跳躍的動作而增加擊球的高度,使得飛行角度跳殺大於殺球。 二、不同殺球擊球點離地面的高度,跳殺高於殺球。 三、從重心最低點到擊中球瞬間的重心最低高度、最低重心高度與身高比、 擊球霎那重心高度、重心提昇高度、擊球時重心與身高比、前後位移距離、重心移動合速度及動作時間,跳殺變化明顯高於殺球,主要因深蹲及起跳的動作的所造成的。 四、從羽球的擊球高度與重心高度距離、水平距離、擊球之上肢段各關節角度的平均值相近,顯示高中羽球選手不論殺球或跳殺的擊球動作俱有一致性。 五、高中羽球選手擊球時,上肢段的肩關節較為伸展,肘關節角度較為彎曲,且手腕的角速度較快,扣腕動作明顯,有利於球速。 關鍵字:運動生物力學、羽球、殺球、跳殺、運動學、三維空間攝影
Kinematical Analysis via Three - Dimensional Cinematography for Two Types of Forehand Smash Stroke in Senior High School Badminton Players Master Thesis , 2003 Shaw-Shiun Chang Advisor : Chen-fu Huang. Ph.D. ABSTRACT The objective of this study is to compare the performance by eight elite badminton male players(ages; 18.4±0.5years,height;174.1±4.6cm,weight; 67.3±4.2kg) from Taiwan senior high school who finished third in the 2000th academic year National High school Athletic Meet. Two Red Lake high-speed video cameras operating at 250Hz were used to record the subjects when they were executing the smash and jump smash stroke actions. The cameras were set up to record the movements of the upper limbs in the sagittal plane. In this study, we have analyzed the motions with Motus and SAS 8.02ver software. A t-test was used to evaluate the correlation for the execution of jump smash and smash with the selected relevant biomechanical parameters. The selected parameters were test at 0.05 significant levels. The results showed that: 1.A significant correlation(p<0.05)is indicated between the flight angles for jump smash and smash. The average shuttlecocks flight angles for jump smash at -15.7±3.5° is much greater than that for smash at an average of -7.1±3.4°. 2.The contact point of jump smash (2.82±0.08m)is higher than smash(2.44±0.05m). 3.The following biomechanical variables also indicated a more significant change during the execution of jump smash in comparing with smash: (a) The distance between the lowest point of center of mass (COM) to minimumheight of COM just before the instance of making contact with the shuttle. (b) The minimum height of the COM comparing with the player’s height (c) The heights of the COM before and during making contact with the shuttle and the elevation of the COM in relation with the players’ heights (d) The lateral distance between backward and forward movements, the time rate of change of the location of COM and the total time for motion execution The reason is due to the prior action of squatting of the body before jump while executing the former stroke action. 4.The distance of contact point to COM, the horizontal distance and the average angle between upper limb’s joints showed no appreciable deviation during the motions of jump smash and smash. The analysis showed consistency in the stroke motion for the high school badminton players while executing either the jump smash or smash actions. 5.While executing the two stroke actions, the senior high school badminton players showed a larger extension of the upper arm and a sharper angle at the elbow joint. The players also showed accelerated wrist angle velocity at contact and a distinct flexing of the wrist is clearly visible. The combined actions resulted in an accelerated shuttle initial speed. keyword:Biomechanics, Badminton, smash, jump smash, Kinematics, Three- Dimensional Cinematography



運動生物力學, 羽球, 殺球, 跳殺, 運動學, 三維空間攝影, Biomechanics, Badminton, smash, jump smash, Kinematics, Three- Dimensional Cinematography

