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  研究顯示在英語學習方面,單字的重要性遠超越於文法,甚至在聽、說、讀、寫等基本技能養成中扮演不可或缺的角色。以心理學的角度而言,動機則普遍被認為是語言學習過程中極為關鍵的因素;然而值得注意的是,態度實則為操控動機的主要因子。本文將語言學習態度視為一個由認知(cognition)、情意(affect)、意動(conation)三要素所組成的潛在構念。針對單字及態度這兩項重要議題,本研究旨在探討英語學習者在英文單字習得過程中學習態度的改變,並進一步尋找可解釋學習態度改變的潛在因素。   研究對象為八百七十五位分別來自兩所公立高中的高一學生。其主要參與過程為在一學年的研究當中,以兩個月的時間為間隔,填寫六份相同的問卷;在不同時間點填寫問卷時,學生們可自我檢視當時對於英文單字的學習態度。學習態度的測量工具為Tseng (2010)的英文單字學習態度量表(EVLAS)。單因子重複量數變異數分析(one-way repeated measures ANOVA)共進行三次以探討學生在學習態度中認知、情意、及意動三要素的個別轉變。此外,由其中一所公立高中隨機選取的六位學生則參與兩次訪談,以探究可解釋態度轉變的重要因素。   研究結果顯示,學生對於英文單字學習和教學之重要性的認知呈現波動且逐漸減弱的趨勢,而單字學習的任務內容及老師的單字教學則為解釋此趨勢的兩個主要因素。然而,在態度的情意和意動方面,學生則皆呈現正向且穩定的狀態。老師情感的支持及歸屬感的獲得主要為保持學生對單字學習有興趣的因素;而學習目標的設定則說明了學生在意動方面的穩定性。   本研究期望能幫助英語教師對於學生所抱持單字學習的態度有更深入的瞭解,進而協助學生培養正面積極的態度,以達到有效果且有效率的英文單字學習。
In respect of English learning, the significance of vocabulary has transcended that of grammar and lexicon has played an indispensible role in the development of basic listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. On the other hand, psychologically speaking, motivation has been commonly recognized as a pivotal factor in language learning, but it is worth noting that the concept of attitude is basically the decisive variable determining motivation. Language learning attitudes in the current study is conceptualized as a latent construct comprised of three components, which include cognition, affect and conation. Targeting at the two critical subjects, namely vocabulary and attitudes, this study aims to investigate EFL learners’ attitudinal change in the process of vocabulary learning, and to identify potential factors accounting for the changing patterns of attitudes. A total of 875 freshmen from two senior high schools in Taipei were recruited in the study. During the whole academic year, students were required to complete six identical questionnaires about every two months so that they were able to continually reflect on their learning attitudes toward English vocabulary learning. The degree of changes in learning attitudes was assessed by using the English Vocabulary Learning Attitude Scale (EVLAS) (Tseng, 2010). One-way repeated measures ANOVAs were repeated three times to inspect the patterns of changes concerning cognition, affect and conation. Moreover, six students randomly chosen from one of the senior high schools were involved in two interviews, through which possible factors explaining the changing patterns of three components were explored. The results showed that concerning the cognitive component of attitudes, a trend of fluctuation and decline in students’ beliefs in the value and significance of English vocabulary learning and teaching was in evidence. However, the steadiness of students’ positive attitudes, being affective and conative in nature toward vocabulary learning, was shown in the learning process. It was found that teacher affective support and the experience of a sense of belonging in the classroom learning environments were emphasized by students for maintaining their interest in vocabulary learning. Goal-setting, on the other hand, was justified in explicating students’ having a positive tendency to master the English vocabulary. Based on the major findings of this longitudinal study, it is hoped that EFL teachers have a profound understating of what their students think of, how they feel about, and how they would act in relation to vocabulary learning. Furthermore, these instructors can assist students in reinforcing their positive attitudes leading to more effective and efficient vocabulary learning.



英文單字學習, 態度改變, 長期性研究, English vocabulary learning, attitude change, a longitudinal study

