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筆者從事珠寶產業逾30年的經驗,從年輕時期在台灣當金工學徒跟著老師傅「學功夫」,稍長在美國打下真正的珠寶學基礎,並且開拓業績足跡遍布幾十個州。並於1993年自行創業成立東龍珠鑽石集團,更是一步一腳印,從一個人提著皮箱跑業務做起,去過台灣各個鄉鎮,之後逐步轉型,有了自己的工廠,東龍珠珠寶也從代工起家,轉型為建立自己的品牌,將市場拓展到海外各地。東龍珠珠寶的公司創業史,就伴隨著台灣的90年代至今珠寶發展史,本身很明白目前台灣珠寶工藝的傳承面臨極大的困難與挑戰,台灣長期缺乏學術教育單位的專精人才培養,導致金工人才出現斷層,筆者因此以本論文透過文獻回顧法與訪談法追蹤探究。 首章為緒論,包含研究背景、研究動機與目的。第二章:文獻探討珠寶工藝、珠寶金工工藝的製作程序及珠寶的技職教育。第三章:研究方法,以「文獻回顧法」與「質性訪談法」深入研究問題。第四章:從研究方法中得到台灣珠寶工藝在技藝傳承下出現了問題,其來自國內不注重金工教育與人才培養,導致人才流失。第五章:從珠寶金工技術人才現況中,探討如何將傳統工藝與技職教育的結合做有效的培養教育與傳承。第六章:結論與建議。總結以上文獻與訪談內容,筆者希望透過企業與技職教育的產學合作新模式,培育我國年輕學子透過技職教育訓練為人才,打下良好的金工基礎,並透過比賽的競技薰陶,孕育更多未來的金工人才,將傳統的工藝技術與精神保留,永續台灣金工產業。
The author has been engaged in fine jewelry industry over 30 years, when the author was young who learned various metalworking skills through a long period of the time of apprenticeship training, and the author had taken some professional jewelry courses in many states of the U.S. In 1993, the author start-upped own business and established Dong Long Ju diamond group. The author believed that “Every step leaves its print; work steadily and make solid progresses.” That’s who the author started from being a jewelry sale man, went to various places in Taiwan, the author also built up own brand and provided OEM/ODM services as an important step for conducting enterprise transition. The startup story of Dong Long Ju Jewelry was accompanied by the history of jewelry development in Taiwan. It was found that Taiwan’s main difficulties and challenges in conserving Taiwan jewelry crafts because of lack of provision of training people develop relevant professional skills. This research is to discover and disclose the issues by the methods of interviews and paper review. The first chapter is the introduction including research background, research motivation and the purpose. The second chapter: introduces the definition of jewelry, the operation and management of jewelry and the Vocational Education of jewelry. The third chapter: uses the research with paper review and qualitative interview methods to study the issue in depth. The forth chapter: from the research methods, we found that Taiwanese jewelries have problems in conserving jewelry crafts. People don’t value vocational education in Taiwan which gives rise to the brain drain. The fifth chapter: The conclusion. Combine all the above literatures and interview reports. The author hopes that through the new model of Academia and Industry Collaboration for youngsters of our country will be good training for metalworking. In addition, having metal crafts competition can stimulate students’ interest in metalcraft, to keep the Talents in Taiwan.



珠寶, 金工工藝, 技職教育, jewelry, metalcraft, vocational education

