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Chia-Jung Tang
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Department of English, NTNU
Department of English, NTNU
大學英文是大專生必修的基礎通識科目之一,雖然教師運用各種英語教學法以達到各項學習目標,然而學習成效並不如預期。近年來,無論教師採用合作學習法或溝通學習法,小組活動經常運用於課堂,透過互動,訓練表達能力,增進自我了解,達成四技並重的教學目標,以符合通識教育精神。這種互助合作學習方式也受到第二語言習得及高等教育學者重視,特別是學習者觀點對課程設計的影響。然而部分研究顯示,學習者偏愛傳統演講教學法,且學生認為機械式演練活動有助於語言學習。為探究小組活動的適用性及是否為有效學習活動,本研究採焦點團體討論及個別訪談法,收集來自三班,共18 位大一新生的英語學習看法。主要從學習者角度探討,相較於先前高中英語課堂學習,小組活動帶給大專生怎樣的學習經驗。研究結果顯示,大一新生認為高中英語學習以考試為導向,相較之下,大學英文內容及學習方式較為實用。但由於之前缺乏聽、說技能訓練,學生表示進行小組活動時容易緊張,且用英文表達有困難。儘管如此,學生普遍接受且認為小組活動是有趣的學習方式,可彼此競爭及互相學習,有助語言及其他能力發展。最後研究整合學習者意見,並提出建議,做為大學英文教師教學參考。
Current research on language learning makes claims for the potential benefits of small group work in regards to how to learn, develop communication skills, and acquire knowledge. In addition, with an emphasis on fosteringlanguage acquisition, small group work is widely used in language classrooms incorporating cooperative learning and the communicative approach. However, some studies show that learners prefer traditional lecturing to learner-centered activities and regard the mechanical aspects of language skill activities as useful. Since students' perceptions of their foreign language learning experiences in the classroom have important pedagogical implications in higher education, teachers should monitor the adequacy and effectiveness of the use of small group work. This study examined students' perspectives on College English I, a compulsory one-semester course for freshman students at a university in southern Taipei. Six freshmen participated in a focus group discussion to express their views in regards to their high school and college English learning experiences. In addition, individual interviews were employed to collect 12 students' perceptions of the group work conducted in the language classroom in terms of difficulties, effectiveness, and enjoyment as well as suggestions for improvement. The results showed that small group work generally meets students' needs and interests, but the study also revealed differences in the effectiveness of language learning. Some suggestions based on the results are made regarding the feasibility of incorporating group work into English classes for students at the tertiary level.
Current research on language learning makes claims for the potential benefits of small group work in regards to how to learn, develop communication skills, and acquire knowledge. In addition, with an emphasis on fosteringlanguage acquisition, small group work is widely used in language classrooms incorporating cooperative learning and the communicative approach. However, some studies show that learners prefer traditional lecturing to learner-centered activities and regard the mechanical aspects of language skill activities as useful. Since students' perceptions of their foreign language learning experiences in the classroom have important pedagogical implications in higher education, teachers should monitor the adequacy and effectiveness of the use of small group work. This study examined students' perspectives on College English I, a compulsory one-semester course for freshman students at a university in southern Taipei. Six freshmen participated in a focus group discussion to express their views in regards to their high school and college English learning experiences. In addition, individual interviews were employed to collect 12 students' perceptions of the group work conducted in the language classroom in terms of difficulties, effectiveness, and enjoyment as well as suggestions for improvement. The results showed that small group work generally meets students' needs and interests, but the study also revealed differences in the effectiveness of language learning. Some suggestions based on the results are made regarding the feasibility of incorporating group work into English classes for students at the tertiary level.