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Department od Education, NTNU


杜威(John Dewey)曾說:「教育即是生活,生活就是經驗繼續不斷的重組與改造的歷程。」基於上述的信念,教育一切預設的前提,率以兒童的生活經驗為首要。在教育歷程中,兒童從不斷學習中增加了經驗,經驗的數量增加是必然現象,但是否能藉經驗到的材料予以重組或改造,則牽渉到學校生活素質的良窳問題。「學校生活素質」此一概念的受到重視,主要是受到現代社會的經濟快速成長、國民所得及教育水準提高後,社會學家、經濟學家開始從經濟「數量」的追求,轉而重視個人的福祉和生活素質指標研究而興起。尤其是人本主義教育的風起雲湧,人們重視意識到教育的主體在「人」,學校教育的主體,理所當然是「學生」,學生的反應、態度、信念、價值觀念的建立,才是教育活動應關切的課題。學校生活素質的評量,大多採主觀態度之測量。而學生對學校的態度就成為衡量的一般指標。根據許多學者的研究,學生對學校的態度與其人格適應或學校適應有關(Bennett et al,1973;Gustafsson,1979;Metcalff,1981)。學生對學校的態度積極、消極與否,直接影響其在學校的行為和適應。換言之,學生的學校生活品質之良窳將直接影響其在學校的適應,二者之間可能有相互影響,互為因果的關係。
The Study aims(1)to examine whether students' perceiving their school life quality and behavioral adjustment were affected by factors, such as sex, class, SES, (2)to analyze sex, class, SES, behavioral adjustment factors how they influence the school life quality factors, and(3)to provide some useful suggestions to study school─assessment and plan for school guidance works. The samples used in this work were taken from 624 students in the second year of four junior high schools respectively in Taipei. Family Socio─Economic Status Scale. The Quality of School Life Questionnaire(QSL), Behavior in School Inventory(BSI)were statistically treated by T─test, one─way ANOVA, product─moment correlation, canonical correlation analysis and stepwise multiple regression analysis.The main findings of the study were as follows:1.Sex, class make significant difference─female students were superior to the males, and upper─class students were superior to the low─class in perceiving their quality of school life. 2. There was no significant difference between students of different SES in perceiving their quality of school life. 3.Sex, class make significant difference in students' school behavioral adjustment variables. The female adjusted to school better than the males did, upper─class students were better than lower─class in their behavioral adjustment also. 4. There was no significant difference between students of different SES in school adjustment variables, as far as“peer contact”, students with medium class performed better than those with low─class of SES did. 5. Teacher contact, peer contact, studiousness, compliance, SES factors can account for and predict 47% variance of students’ perceiving their quality of school life. According to the above conclusions, some recommendations were suggested. 1. Establish multiple assessment models, to pay much attention to affective goals evaluation. 2. Create school open climate, arouse students to take part in the school affairs, and con






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