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Department of Health Promotion and Health Education


本研究旨在瞭解國中導師進行藥物教有之經驗、成癮性藥物知識以及對藥物教育 持有的態度, 並分析其與社會人口學變項、任教狀況與藥物教育經驗的關係,作為未來推 動校園藥物濫用防制工作的參考。本研究母群體為臺北市八十三學年度第一學期公、私立國 民中學導師,共計 3712 人。以隨機抽樣方式抽取 14 所學校為樣本學校,針對樣本學校中 一、二、三年級導師為對象進行結構式問卷調查,施測時間為民國八十四年一月,共計發出 問卷 688 份,獲得有效樣本數 472 人。 研究結果發現在藥物教有經驗方面,19.1% 的導 師過去三年內曾經由觀察學生日常行為而發現用藥學生,其中 72.2 %的導師處理方式為通 知學生家長或與學生個別晤談; 43 %的導師曾經實施過藥物教學,但其中有 42.2 %的教 師認為本身欠缺藥物教有知能; 只有 7.6 %的尊師曾參加過相關研習;導師獲得築物教育 資訊的管道以報章雜誌( 65.7 %)、相關宣導資料( 53.0 %)、及電視( 45.6 %)為 主。受測導師對於成癮性藥物相關資訊瞭解程度尚佳,但對築物作用、藥物對身體的影響、 及相關刑責規範則較不清楚。年齡愈輕或畢業於醫衛相關科系的尊師,對於成癮菜物的了解 程度比年長或畢業於非醫衛科系者高。受測尊師大多贊成學校應該實施藥物教育,也認同導 師在築物濫用防制工作的重要性,但對參與學校藥物教有防制工作的意願並不太高,仍待提 昇。曾發現用藥學生、實施過藥物教學、或曾參加過研習的尊師,對學校實施藥物教育的贊 同度顯著高於無經驗的導師。社會人口學變項、任教狀況與藥物教育經驗等變項,能顯著預 測受測尊師的成應性藥物知識與藥物教有態度,但是解釋力不高(分別是 5.1 %和 6.2 % )。研究結果對增進校園藥物濫用的防制工作具有參考意義。
The purposes of the study were to understand the status of the knowledge of addicted drugs, the attitudes toward drug education, and the relationship between the personal characteristic and drug teaching experience among the junior high school teachers in Taipei. The sample was selected by the random sampling method. Fourteen schools were included, with the total number of valid questionnaires being 472. The data were collected via a group self-administration in January, 1995. The data were analyzed with frequency distribution, percentage, one-way ANOVA, and multiple regression. Among the teacher respondents, 19.1% had found students with drug problems. They dealt with the problem by informing students* parents or consulting with the students. Fortythree percent of the teachers had taught drug education. However, only 7.6% of the teachers had received drug education training. The knowledge regarding addictive drugs among the teachers was good except for the effects of drugs and drug-related law enforcement. The younger teachers and those graduated from medical/health departments knew more about addictive drugs than the older and those who graduate from other departments. Most teachers agreed that drug education was important and that teachers played important roles in drug education. However, teachers should be encouraged to take part in drug education. The multiple regression analyses showed that teachers' knowledge of addic- tdrugs and attitudes toward drug abuse could be predicted by socio-demographic variables, teaching experience, and drug education experiences. However, the explanatory power was limited Recommendations for improving drug education for teachers were suggested.







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