

比較式廣告是一種將目標品牌與背景品牌並列比較,藉以顯示目標品牌優於背景品牌的廣告方式,在廣告設計上,主要包括:(1)目標品牌、(2)背景品牌、(3)比較屬性特徵等三個要素所構成,其主要目的在於透過廣告訊息傳遞目標品牌在特定屬性上相對績效表現較佳的資訊,引發消費者對廣告品牌和比較品牌產生知覺上的差異,形成差異化的品牌定位。文獻回顧顯示過去對於比較式廣告效果的研究多半以產品類別內多數品牌共通的典型屬性作為比較基礎,至於其他屬性性質是否仍將帶來相同的效果卻相對缺乏討論,另一方面,過去文獻主張目標品牌與背景品牌市場地位不一致時,比較式廣告能獲得最佳的效果,然而,實務執行上卻呈現與學術理論背離的情形,有越來越多廣告選擇以相同市場階層的品牌來進行相互比較。因此,本研究以比較式廣告為脈絡,探討消費者在觀看比較式廣告時,比較屬性的性質與品牌市場地位一致性之間的交互作用將會如何影響消費者對目標品牌的評價。 本研究以實驗法的方式進行,自變項為屬性性質(典型屬性∕新奇屬性∕瑣碎屬性)、品牌市場地位一致性(不一致∕高階品牌一致∕中階品牌一致),依變項為目標品牌的整體評價。研究發現:(1)在比較式廣告中,增添新奇屬性對消費者品牌評價的影響並不顯著。(2)揭露瑣碎屬性的本質並不會貶損消費者對目標品牌的評價。(3)當目標品牌為中階品牌時,同階比較的廣告效果並不會比跨階比較來得差。本研究的結果為目前消費產品市場上以瑣碎屬性作為廣告訴求焦點的趨勢提供了一個詮釋的途徑,也說明了除了傳統上慣見的市場地位不一致的比較式廣告之外,同階比較的廣告在某種程度上仍可達到定位品牌的效果。
Comparative Advertising is an advertising approach which is used to demonstrate the superiority of target brand to context brand. While designing advertising message, three major components are considered: (1) target brand, (2) context brand and (3) featured attributes. By comparing featured attributes of target brand and context brand in one advertising message, comparative advertisements transmits the information that the target brand offers better performance in featured attributes than the context brand. Therefore, it induces consumers’ diverse perception toward the brands and achieves brand positioning differentiation. Literature reviews show that most past studies of comparative advertising only regarded the advertising effect of typical attributes, which appear on most of the brands within the same product category; however, whether non-typical attributes generate the same outcomes is still in doubt. In addition, literature reviews assert that comparative advertising produces outstanding effect while brand positions between the target brand and the context brand are incongruous, but real cases deviated from academic literature-- more and more advertisements were designed to compare brands from the same market position. Therefore, the main purpose of this research is to understand how the interaction between featured attributes and brand congruity affects consumers’ evaluation toward target brand. This research employed a 3×3 between-subjects experimental design, with dependent variable being target brand evaluation, and independent variables being featured attribute (typical attribute/novel attribute/trivial attribute) and brand congruity (incongruent/congruent in high class/congruent in middle class). Theresult shows that (1) adding novel attributes to comparative advertising message does not change consumers’ brand evaluations significantly, (2) revealing the true properties of trivial attributes does not discount consumers’ brand evaluations, and (3) the effect of within-class comparative advertising does not show significant difference to that of across-class comparative advertising when target brand is regarded in middle class. These findings provide a comprehensive explanation of why advertisers focused on trivial attributes in their advertising appeals. Moreover, the conclusion of this research illustrates that within-class comparative advertising may achieve the same effect on brand positioning as traditional incongruent comparative advertising does.



比較式廣告, 新奇屬性, 瑣碎屬性, 品牌市場地位一致性, comparative advertising, novel attribute, trivial attribute, brand congruity





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