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創造力是推進時代進步的重要關鍵,而家庭是培養青少年創造力的主要環境之一。本研究旨在瞭解其家庭教養環境中家庭背景、家庭氣氛、父母教養理念及行為、對子女提供哪些資源以及如何培養其科學創造力。 本研究採質性研究法,立意取樣五例居住於台北縣市之全國科展得獎國中生及父母,進行半結構式的深度訪談,並將所獲資料進行質性分析。 研究發現父母積極教養,營造支持創造力發展的家庭教養環境,以及提供多方面發展所需資源,使子女能發現自己的性向,並能在有潛力的領域中展現其創造力,科學創造力便是其中一項。其家庭教養環境如下: 1.家庭背景方面:父母大部分為高學歷;父母的興趣多為知性文化方面的活動,以閱讀最普遍,營造「學習型家庭」的 型態;父母人際互動多以重視教養的人脈為主;主要教養者都十分重視教養知識的吸收。 2.家庭氣氛方面:家人關係緊密;全家共同活動;幽默風趣、無所不談;家人間相互尊重體貼。 3.教養理念與行為:家長重視子女教養、全心投入;注重及早開發、從小培養的成效;以身作則;善用親子間的對話;重視閱讀;激發並維持子女的學習動機;父母常常給予子女鼓勵與讚美;參與孩子的學習;給予解決問題的機會,訓練決策能力。 4.提供子女的資源:提供全方面發展的各項才藝課程;為孩子提供楷模典範;供給大量書籍;經常參觀、旅遊,並掌握隨機教育的機會;較少參與校外課業輔導。 5.科學創造力的培養:提供多方面的視野;提供自然科學方面知識;觀摩創意作品;自然科學班及科學研習營;接觸楷模人物;鼓勵孩子思考;培養耐心與毅力。 本研究採用質性深入訪談的方式,取樣限於台北市及台北縣。本研究之研究結果,供家長參考。
Creativity is the key factor to propel technology advancement, therefore it is importance to nurture our younger generation, who are indeed the hope of future, with creativity. It is indisputable that family plays a big role in nurturing young adolescent with creativity. The purpose of this study was to investigate how family’s rearing environment factors, which are family background, family atmosphere, parents’ rearing philosophy, parents’ behaviors, and family resources, help to cultivateyoung adolescent with scientific creativity. Five junior high school students were selected as subjects from the winners of National Science Award for the study. All subjects were located either in Taipei City or Taipei County. Semi-structured interview method was used to gather information from the subjects and their parents, and the outcomes of the interview were analyzed then classified. The results indicated that parents’ enthusiasm in education. Their effort in building a support environment for creativity, and their support in providing necessary resources, helped their children to discover their talents and interests at the early age. Gradually, these children identified the fields where they were particularly gifted, in this case, science field, where their creativities grew. In terms of family rearing environment factors, these five families share the similar characteristics as follow. 1. Family Background: Majority of parents received high education background. These parents engaged in more knowledge building or cultural activities, Parents intend to create a “learning family” at home. They tended to interact with people, who also valued education. They also perceived gaining child rearing knowledge was vital. 2. Family Atmosphere: Subjects had strong relationship with their families, and they did many family activities together. Generally, the family atmosphere was open and easy, family members showed respect and consideration for each other. 3. Rearing Philosophy and Behavior: These parents great emphasis on education, and were also high devoted. They believed children should be cultivated and developed from early age, and they need to be the role model for their children. In terms of behavior, these parents had constructive interaction with the children. They often encouraged and praised their children, and involved in their learning. To spark and maintained children’s learning motivation, the parents would provide the opportunities to advance problem solving and decision making skills. 4. Support: The parents provided received various types of travel and reading books, and they also were given more opportunities to travel and visit museums. However, these children seldom attended to cram school. 5. Cultivation of Scientific: To develop scientific creativity, apart form providing children with related knowledge, the parents went beyond by taking children to seeing innovative works, attending to science class and camps, and meeting with outstanding performers. Creativity was unleashed through those multi-stimulus, children were encouraged to think, and also to be more persistent.



創造力, 家庭教養環境, 科學創造力, creativity, scientific creativity, familial rearing environment

