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中文摘要 關鍵字:泰國學習者、專業華語、地勤人員、教材設計、第二語言教學 泰國經濟極度依賴觀光產業帶來的巨額收入,根據泰國觀光局統計,2018年來泰國觀光的外國旅客人數高達3827萬,其中近三成來自中國,人數高達1053萬人次,由此可見來自中國的旅客是泰國觀光的主要客源,因此泰國觀光業亟需培養大量具有華語能力的人才。國際機場是中國遊客抵達泰國的第一個地方,泰籍地勤人員卻缺乏華語溝通能力。本研究的主要目標是希望能提高泰籍地勤人員的華語程度,減少辦理登機報到的作業時間,並避免溝通時發生誤解。因此,地勤人員如能具有基本的華語溝通能力,即可有效提升工作效率。 為了編寫出實用的教材,其內容勢必要針對地勤人員在實際工作中所需要用到之華語,因此,研究者除了採用「教材分析法」,也採用「問卷研究法」及「田野調查法」來進行本研究。本研究還探討了相關領域之文獻,包括第二語言教材編寫、第二語言教學法等。本研究參考了泰國、台灣出版的11本地勤華語相關教材,並整理出這11本教材各自的特色和題材,進而比較其間的異同與優、缺點。本研究共取得66份泰籍地勤人員有效問卷,從中彙整他們在工作職場上的華語使用情形、對華語的學習需求、看法和建議,再從問卷結果中分析出有助泰籍地勤人員且符合實際工作情況之華語詞彙、與句型。研究者並於泰國素萬那蓬國際機場出境區的報到櫃臺進行實地觀察,了解地勤人員實際的工作環境及在職場中使用華語的情況。另外,本研究也訪談了一位曾於泰國某大學的航空服務管理系之國際學院(Airline Business)授課之台籍教師以及4位泰籍地勤人員。最後,本研究採用以上得出結果應用於泰籍地勤人員之華語教材設計, 並提供具體範例。
Abstract Keywords: Thai students, Chinese for Specific Purposes, Ground Staff, Teaching Material Design, Second Language Teaching Thailand’s economy greatly depends on the significant incomes of tourism. According to Tourism Authority of Thailand, foreign tourists coming to Thailand have reached up to 38.27 million people in 2018, of which 30% are from China, which are 10.53 million people. It’s obvious that Chinese tourists are the primary income source of tourism in Thailand. Therefore, Thailand extremely needs to cultivate talents with Mandarin language. International airports are the first place where Chinese tourists set their feet on Thailand, and yet Thai ground staff lacks the ability of Mandarin speaking. The focus of this study is to enhance the Mandarin speaking ability of Thai ground staff, thereby decreasing the working time of checking in and avoid misunderstanding in communication. Thus, if Thai ground staff can possess basic Mandarin speaking ability, their work efficiency can be increased. In order to plan out useful teaching materials, the contents must be centered on practical Mandarin for work. Therefore, the researcher adopts the methods of “Teaching Material Analysis”, “Questionnaire Research”, and “Field Investigation” for this study. Literatures in relevant area are also discussed, including the creating and editing of second language teaching materials as well as the second language teaching methods. The study takes 11 Mandarin language materials for ground staff published in Thailand and Taiwan as the reference, and their respective features and themes are organized for comparing individual differences as well as their pros and cons. 66 effective questionnaires from Thai ground staff are collected, from which the researcher organizes the condition of Mandarin usage during their work as well as learning demands, opinions, and suggestions. Later, Vocabularies and sentence structures in Mandarin that can help Thai ground staff and meet their actual working requirements are analyzed. The researcher also goes to the departure check-in zone of Suvarnabhumi Airport for field investigation, knowing the actual condition of Thai ground staff’s usage of Mandarin language. Additionally, a Taiwanese lecturer who used to instruct in College of Airline Business of a university in Thailand as well as 4 Thai ground staff are interviewed. Lastly, from the results of said methods, the study can be applied on the teaching material design of Mandarin language for Thai ground staff and provides practical examples.



泰國學習者, 專業華語, 地勤人員, 教材設計, 第二語言教學, Thai students, Chinese for Specific Purposes, Ground Staff, Teaching Material design, Second Language Teaching





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