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電腦投入音樂創作領域中至今已過五十餘年,在科技日益進步的今日,越來越多對於音樂創作、音樂展演、音樂教育上有所幫助的程式、設備等也不停的改良並且研發出來,因此,也使得電腦音樂在現今全世界的音樂領域中已成為不同於以往學術創作的另一股潮流。在國內,電腦音樂也逐漸受到音樂創作者們的注意,使得越來越多人投入這個領域,雖然尚未受到廣泛運用,但這項技術的引入,對於學術音樂創作上的影響,不僅提供了新的創作元素,同時更增添許多新的可能性,擴展國人學術創作的深度及廣度。 目前國內的電腦音樂在程式的使用上是以Max/Msp為主流,然而,本論文將要探究是以在資訊工程領域中已受到廣泛運用的Java程式語言為創作基礎的一種新的電腦音樂創作平台-Eclipse。內容將從程式語言元素及敘述式的介紹、基礎的編程範例、音樂分析以及提供實際創作作品為應用實例,進而推展出跨領域合作和技術統合對於音樂創作發展上的可能性,也期望最終能以此方式使得音樂能在資訊發達的現代,能更加容易推廣至大眾的生活當中。
Computer has been involved in music composition since 1950s. Nowadays, with the advance of science and technology, more and more programs and equipment are invented and improved to assist in musical composition, music performance and music education. Known as “computer music”, musical composition using computer, a way completely different from traditional academic composition, has therefore become a popular trend these days. In Taiwan, composers gradually noticed the emergence of computerized music, which makes more and more people devoted to the field. Although currently the technique has not been applied widely, this introduction not only provides new element to music but also adds new possibility. In the meantime, having strong influence on the quality of music, this fresh technique expands the depth and width of academic composition and broadens people’s horizons. Now the Max/Msp is the most popular program in Taiwan. However, the research in this thesis is about how to use another well-known interface in the field of computer science named “Eclipse” on the music composing. From introducing and programming the basic operators, methods, statements to music analyzing and music composing, this thesis is suitable for those beginners who want to use Java language to compose music. Provided with the application of examples and experimental composition, I hope it will push the cross-field cooperation. Furthermore, it can be easier to apply this technique to spread classical music and modern compositions to the general public.



Eclipse, Java程式語言, jMusic, Eclipse, Java program language, jMusic





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