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  語言是人與人溝通的方式,而語言的發展與融合更會隨著時代背景的不同、生活圈人口的移動、生活方式的改變而變動。   成功新村早期是農田,居民大多是閩南人,使用的語言也大多是本土語言;西元1949年(民國三十八年),軍眷駐進,變成眷村聚落,語言起變革;西元1980年(民國六十九年)眷村改建,一半市售住屋者加入,人口結構改變,語言群又再度起變化。這六十幾年來的語言變動,類似都會型的社會形態變遷史。因此選定這個眷村(成功新村)作為研究之對象。   本研究的目的是欲藉由問卷調查來探討眷村(成功新村)現在語言使用的情形,以及了解本土語言在眷村是不是難以推行;本土語言在眷村是不是完全消失;或者還有保留和使用的空間;甚至進一步探討成功新村居民對本土語言由反彈、反對到改變的歷程。   經過初步調查研究分析結果,成功新村居民使用華語的平均佔有率還是最高,這是眷村基本元素,也是長期以來教育政策的關係使然,更是都會型族群使用語言普遍的現象。不過在這次調查中,也發現本土語言在眷村使用率不是我們想像中的低,反而有更遞增的趨勢,各種語言混合使用,語言更多元,使用語言更自由,更輕鬆。
People communicate with languages which evolve and intermingle over time as changes take place in the population and way of life of a local area. Cheng Gong Village used to be farmland in the early days and most of the inhabitants were Minnanese who spoke local dialects. In 1949, soldiers and their families relocated from China moved in and it became a military dependents’ village. Consequently, a change occurred to the language that people there used. After the military dependents’ village was rebuilt in 1980, homebuyers with no military background settled in. The demographic structure altered and another change happened to the language adopted in the compound. The language development over the nearly seven decades is like a history of urban social structure transformation. This is why this military dependents’ village (Cheng Gong Village) has been chosen as a subject of study. This study is intended to examine through a questionnaire survey the language adopted today in a military dependents’ village (Cheng Gong Village) to understand whether it is difficult to promote local dialects there, whether local dialects have completely disappeared, or whether they are still kept and applied, and, even more, to review the process in which the inhabitants of Cheng Gong Village first resisted and objected the use of local dialects and eventually changed their attitude. The outcome of the initial study and analysis shows that Mandarin has remained the most dominant language in Cheng Gong Village. It is a basic element in military dependents’ villages and also the result of the educational policy over the years that has successfully made Mandarin the most common language in urban areas. However, this survey also indicates that the use of local dialects is by no means as rare as we imagine. On the contrary, it has been increasing. The mixture of a number of dialects has given use of language more diversity. Use of language has thus become more liberal and uninhibited as a result.



眷村, 問卷調查, 本土語言, 臺灣語言教育, military dependents’ village, questionnaire survey, local dialects, language education in Taiwan





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