

理解式球類訓練法於國小籃球校隊訓練之研究 中華民國九十六年六月 研 究 生: 黃品瑞 指導教授: 闕月清 摘  要 本研究旨在透過理解式球類訓練法之訓練,探討國小男子籃球隊認知、技能、情意與比賽表現之訓練成效。研究參與者為臺北市某國小男子籃球隊共15位球員,實驗設計以理解式球類訓練法實施3週共15節的籃球訓練,訓練課程內容包括傳接球、快攻、角色扮演等,強調球員團體間之戰術討論,激發主動思考進而提升團隊默契。研究方法以半結構訪談方式訪談球員,進行認知、技能、情意與比賽表現之質性資料蒐集,採用持續比較法進行內容分析;在比賽表現配合籃球比賽評量工具進行前、後測,以相依樣本t考驗,進行統計分析。結果發現:一、球員在認知部分增加其籃球概念知識;二、教練及球員對理解式球類訓練法之態度與感受抱持正面且肯定的態度,並增加師生之互動;三、技能部分,教練認為有其價值,但應不同訓練目標,給予不同的訓練方式,球員則表示可提升技能表現並運用於比賽場域;四、比賽表現量化部分,籃球比賽評量顯示做決定與抄截達顯著差異,在質性資料中發現球員能理解自我角色扮演,分析自我及團隊之優、缺點,觀察隊友以及敵隊之相對關係,進而發展團對戰術。透過本研究得知教練及球員對理解式球類訓練法表示正面及支持,能促進球員對籃球運動的學習效果,提供球隊一種新的訓練方法。建議可針對在不同項目與學習階層進行探討,並建立理解式球類訓練法之相關網站與資料庫,作為侵入性球類訓練之參考。 關鍵詞:理解式球類訓練法、籃球校隊、訓練成效
The Study of Game Sense on Elementary School Basketball Team Training Huang Pin Jui Master’s Thesis, 2007 Advisor: Keh Nyit Chin, Ph. D. ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the training effects of Game Sense on basketball training among elementary school basketball players. The study also aimed at examining the different training effects among the players. The participants included an experienced basketball female coach and 15 players who volunteered to participate in this study. This study used a mixed methodology to examine the learning effects of Game Sense through 15 sessions of basketball training. The content of the lessons included passing, receiving, fast attack and role play, the focus was on the discussion of game strategy among players to foster active thinking and teamwork. The qualitative data included cognitive, affective, skill, game performance. They were collected by semi-structured interviews and analyzed using constant comparison method. The quantitative data were collected using Basketball Game Performance Assessment inventory, and analyzed by pair-samples t test. The results were as follows: (1) Players improved in basketball game concept in cognitive. (2) The coach recognized the effectiveness of the Game Sense but caution must be taken when used for different players and games. Players favored this training style. (3) The coach and players had positive attitude and experience towards Game Sense. They also had good interaction. (4) During game performance, players could play their role well, understood the position of teammate and opposition team. This study showed that Game Sense could improve the effects on basketball training for elementary school basketball players. Research findings could be used to build a reference database of Game Sense for coaches in invasion games instruction. Key words: Game Sense, basketball team, training effects



理解式球類訓練法, 籃球校隊, 訓練成效, Game Sense, basketball team, training effects





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