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目的:本研究目的為探討不同運動專項參與學童發展之基本運動能力特性。方法:本研究收取154名學童(排球隊:30、籃球隊:20、柔道隊:20、角力隊:16、一般組:68名)比較平衡能力、坐姿體前彎、壘球擲遠、立定跳遠、60秒仰臥起坐、Muscle Power Sprint Test (MPST),六項體能測驗結果。統計方法使用單因子變異數分析(檢定技擊組、球類組與一般組;排球組、籃球組、柔道組、角力組與一般組)顯著水準定為α=.05,達顯著進行Scheffe事後比較。結果:結果發現球類組的表現在立定跳遠、壘球擲遠、60秒仰臥起坐測驗顯著優於柔道組與一般組、MPST顯著優於一般組。技擊組的表現在平衡感、坐姿體前彎測驗顯著優於排球組與一般組,柔道組MPST顯著優於一般組。結論: 參與球類專項的學童,可以提升爆發力、肌力以及無氧能力;參與技擊專項的學童,可以提升平衡感、柔軟度以及無氧能力。
Purpose: This study aimed to compare the basic sporting ability performance in different sports competition participation children. Methods: One-hundred and fifty-four children (Volleyball:30, Basketball:20, Judo:20, Wrestle:16, Untrained children:68) participated in this study. basic sporting ability includes balance test, sit and reach test, softball throwing, standing broad jump, 60 seconds sit-ups and Muscle Power Sprint Test (MPST). One-way ANOVA was used to compare combat sports group, ball games group and untrained group, and compare volleyball group, basketball group, judo group, wrestle group and untrained group. The statistical significant level was set at α=.05, and Scheffe exam was used for the post hoc test. Results: Ball games group had significantly greater standing board jump distance than combat sports and untrained group. Similar results were also found in softball throwing, and 60 seconds sit-ups test. Combat sports group had significant better performance than ball games group and untrained group in balance test and sit and reach test. Ball games group and combat sports group both performed significant better than untrained group in MPST test. Conclusion: Children participate in ball games can improve their power, muscle strength and anaerobic capacity, and participate in combat sports can improve their balance, flexibility, and anaerobic capacity.



球類運動, 技擊運動, MPST, 足底壓力中心, 運動訓練, Ball games, Combat sports, MPST, COP, Sport training





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