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體驗行銷為一新穎的行銷概念,藉由分析客戶之想法與感受,並進而透過產品或服務引導客戶提昇其對產品或服務的認同,產生消費行為。近年來,體驗行銷之研究主要聚焦於企業對消費者(B2C)的交易,而針對體驗行銷於企業對企業(B2B)交易的研究則相對匱乏,唯企業客戶對產品或服務之想法與感受對最終的採購行為確實也產生顯著影響。故本研究擬導入體驗行銷之概念,以策略體驗模組為工具,探討影響原廠委託設計製造業運用體驗行銷之關鍵因素。本研究首先回顧計劃行為理論與體驗行銷策略相關文獻,以修正式德爾菲法(Modified Delphi)歸納原廠委託設計製造業行銷專家之意見,訂定影響原廠委託設計製造業導入體驗行銷之關鍵要素,再以決策實驗室分析法(DEMATEL)建構關鍵要素彼此間之影響關係作為決策問題之架構後,結合決策實驗室之網路流程法(DEMATEL Based Network Process,DNP)求取關鍵要素之影響權重,以定義體驗行銷策略。並根據計畫行為理論使用結構方程模型structural equation modeling (SEM)來探討影響企業客戶購買的意願。藉由本研究以我國原廠委託設計製造業實證分析架構之有效性,研究結果發現影響最終購買意願程度最高的因素為使用態度構面。將可作為原廠委託設計製造業行銷策略訂定之參考,而分析架構亦可作為科技服務業體驗行銷策略訂定的基礎。
The experiential marketing has emerged as a novel marketing concept, which aims to strengthen customers' value, satisfaction, customer royalty and, further make purchase decisions based on emotional and rational responses. During the past decade, the researches on experiential marketing mainly focused on business to customer (B2C) transactions; very limited researches focused on business to business (B2B) business. However, the experiential marketing concepts can also be applied in B2B transactions for technology services. Thus, this research aims to propose a DEMATEL based network process for investigating the factors influencing experiential marketing of original design manufacturing firms based on experts’ opinions. The factors influencing business customers’ purchase intentions will also be summarized by using the structural equation modeling (SEM) method base on the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). An empirical study based on opinions being provided by Taiwanese ODM experts as well as ODM business customers has been introduced for demonstrating the feasibility of this proposed analytic framework. The results can serve as the experiential marketing strategies for ODM firms. The proposed analytic framework can also serve as the basis for experiential marketing strategy definitions by technology service firms.



體驗行銷, 原廠委託設計製造業, 決策實驗室分析法, 結構方程式, 計畫行為理論, Experiential Marketing, Original Design Manufacturing (ODM), Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL), Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)





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