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筆者為獨生子女,從小雖然衣食不缺,但缺的就是陪伴,對動物的情愫也特別深,尤其是貓:柔軟的身體、晶瑩如琥珀般的眼睛、天生優越的體操本領......一直被牠數不清的特質深深吸引著。回想成長階段,父母為生活忙於工作,從小就有大量的時間獨自在家,確實是從孤獨與繪畫中渡過的,渴望熱鬧的同時又必須學習孤獨、習慣孤獨,慢慢地反而享受起孤獨時的清靜。藝術創作除了治癒了童年那份獨處的不安以外,更成了筆者的興趣。到了成年大學外宿時,終於有機會養貓,學習如何替貓洗澡、修剪指甲、生病時餵貓吃藥等等。貓對人類的態度,既溫柔又霸道,這些與我行我素的貓共處的日子,每天都充滿歡樂,某些時候,甚至在貓的身上,發現了自己的影子。一切皆因童年與一隻小乳貓結下的緣,促成了筆者產生出「貓與自我」這一創作系列的果。與其說用創作去研究及探討貓的一切,倒不如說這是一個筆者透過貓與創作來探索自我生命的實驗過程。 本創作研究以筆者日夜相伴的動物——貓作為主要創作題材,藉著從年幼至成年後對動物之情以及自身精神感受轉化成題材、形式及表現的探究。
I grew up as a single child. My childhood wasn't short of anything except accompaniment. For that, I have built a special sentiment with cats. Their soft bodies, amber round eyes, the acrobatic agility... I am drawn to these countless characteristics of them. While I was growing up, both of my parents had to work to make ends meet. I spent most of the time by myself, feeling lonely and directing myself to painting. Though I longed for companies, I had to learn to be alone, and eventually getting used to being alone. And slowly, I grew to enjoy the quietness. Making art not only became the solution of that anxiety from a lonely childhood, it also became a passion. Then I started university and while living in the dormitory, I had the opportunity to keep a cat. I learned to clean them, cut their nails, and take care of them when they were sick. Cats are gentle as much as they are rude. The days spent with them were filled with joy, and sometimes I can even see a shadow of myself on them. All it takes is that one time spent with that kitten to motivate me to create this collection : "Cats& Self-consciousness". This is a collection of the study of cats, but more of an experimental process of soul-searching through cats and art. The study subject is cats, an animal that has played an important role throughout my life. This is a study of the love for the animal and personal soul-searching.



, 情感連結, 存在主義, 寫實主義, Cat, Emotional Connection, Existentialism, Realism





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