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近年來,政府積極的推廣親子共讀活動,以增進幼兒各方面的能力。親子共讀也因此成為許多父母經常性的活動。隨著科技的進步及網際網路的迅速發展,人們在閱讀方式及選擇性,也有重大的改變。而親子共讀方式能透過電腦與網路的結合,使用多媒體的介面來接觸兒童文學,進行溝通與互動,從閱讀中學習語言或常識,同時也將閱讀視為親子之間的休閒娛樂活動。因應此趨勢,目前網路上的親子閱讀網站種類繁多,使用者只要在網路上進行搜尋,就可以隨時尋找到相關的網站。然而,這些網站的形態琳琅滿目、內容五花八門,如何選擇運用此網站成為增進孩子閱讀的幫手,增加家長的使用行為是一個值得探討的議題。 本研究乃針對親子閱讀網站介面之使用性,包含介面設計及內容,來探討使用者滿意度。其中採取網路問卷調查法收集資料,而以網站介面設計原則及使用性作為基礎理論,針對以親子閱讀網站的使用者角度為出發點。其中以行政院文建會兒童文化網站做為研究個案,相關之統計方法為獨立樣本T檢定、單因子變異分析、因素分析法。 經本研究發現: 一、利用親子閱讀網站的使用者,和孩子一起共讀的型態以「父母引導型」比例較高。 二、親子共讀的頻率,會進行「每天共讀」的比例較低,「沒有固定頻率」共讀的比例較高,因此會和孩子每天進行共讀的部分較為缺乏。 三、使用者對網站構面的滿意度會因「性別」、「年齡」、「教育程度」、「職業」的不同而有顯著差異。 四、不同的共讀型態對網站的「資訊呈現」、「系統效率」、「訊息設計」、「介面操作」、「主題內容」介面呈現相關性。 五、網站的「導覽設計」、「資訊呈現」、「系統效率」、「訊息設計」、「版面編排」、「資訊內容」、「介面操作」、「主題內容」介面對於網站整體滿意度呈現相關性。 根據上述的研究結論,針對親子閱讀網站的相關建構者,教育相關單位、家長及後續研究提出相關建議。
Recently, the government has been widely promoting Family-Reading activities to improve children's overall learning abilities. Family-Reading has also become a frequent activity that's taking place in families' daily lives. The rapid development in technology and internet has also significantly changed the way we acquire information. Now combining Family-Reading with computer technology, children literature can be presented through multi-media. Thus it can interact and communicate with children in more interesting ways. Family-Reading has now become something that can be enjoyed by both the parents and their children together. In order to satisfy the demanding market, there are limitless Family-Reading materials that can be easily found on the internet. The question now is, how should we choose from these various online resources and how can we use the provided information effectively. This research's focus is to acquire end-users' satisfaction levels with internet surveys. The evaluation criteria includes the interface usability of the websites, their content and design. Using the children's website from Council of Cultural Affairs as a case study, all statistics are gathered through One-Sample T, ANOVA(Analysis of Variance) and, Factor Analysis. The following observations were made as results of the research: 1. Most family reading activities are guided by the parents. 2. Family reading activities are more likely to be carried out irregularly, therefore children are lacking continuous progress. 3. The satisfaction level varies dramatically in direct relation to the different sex, ages, education level, and occupations of users. 4. The different types of websites show the correlation in "information presentation", "system efficiency", "information design", "interface operation", and "theme contain". 5. Influences of the "navigation design", "information presentation", "system efficiency", "information design", "layout", "information contain", "interface operation", and "theme contain" on the overall satisfaction level. According to research results mentioned above, suggestions will be made to Family-Reading website developers, education boards, and parents.



親子共讀, 親子閱讀網站, 介面使用性, Parent-Child Reading, Usability, Reading Website

