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本研究旨在探討赴外交換學生對於跨文化能力指標之重要性評估排序,以提供未來赴外交換生的跨文化能力規劃及發展之參考。依據研究目的及問題,透過文獻分析探討全球教育、高等教育國際化及跨文化能力指標,並參考Deardorff (2006) 跨文化能力指標五個面向設計成問卷,最後針對赴外交換學生進行差異性分析及層級分析研究。研究結論簡述如下: 一、不同背景變項(性別、赴外交換時的年級、赴外交換時間、赴外交換地區與學校、英語能力、當時交換國家使用之母語能力、赴外交換前各種停留國外的累積時間、赴外交換前使用外語與外國人溝通的頻率)的赴外交換生對於跨文化能力指標主要構面差異情形。僅在「技能」構面中,赴外交換生性別,以及「知識與理解」構面中,赴外交換地區與學校有顯著差異,其餘均無顯著差異。 二、赴外交換生對於跨文化能力指標之五個主要構面的重要性依序為:必備的態度、所欲達成的內在結果、所欲達成的外在結果、知識與理解、技能。 三、跨文化能力指標之整體重要性排序結果為:最重要的前三名能力要素依序為「E.所欲達成的外在結果-e1.具備有效的跨文化溝通能力」、「A.必備的態度-a1.對多元文化的尊重」、「A.必備的態度-a4.對跨文化學習及異國人的開放性」。
The purpose of this study is to explore the important order of intercultural competence assessment indicators for outbound exchange students, and to provide a reference for intercultural competence planning and development of future outbound exchange students. First, according to the purpose of this study and research question, I would like to explore the global education, higher education internationalization and intercultural competence indicators through the literature analysis. Second, a questionnaire was designed by the reference of Deardorff’s (2006) intercultural competence five aspects. Finally, I would like to research into the outbound exchange students by using variance of analysis and analytic hierarchy process. The conclusions of the study are summarized as following: 1.The main facet of different situations on intercultural competence indicators through different background variables (gender, grades of outbound exchange, time of outbound exchange, outbound exchange areas and schools, English ability,ability to exchange the mother tongue used at the time, cumulative time of staying abroad before outbound exchange, and frequency of using foreign language to communicate with foreigners before outbound exchange) on outbound exchange students. Only the gender of outbound exchange in “Skills” facet and outbound exchange areas and schools in “Knowledge and Comprehension” facet show significant differences, and the rest of them are not significantly different. 2.The importance of five main facets to intercultural competence indicators of outbound exchange students is as following: Requisite Attitudes, Desired Internal Outcome, Desired External Outcome, Knowledge and Comprehension, and Skills. 3.Intercultural competence indicators in the order of overall importance: The very top three competence factors are “E. Desired External Outcome - e1. Have effective intercultural communication skills”, “A. Requisite Attitudes – a1. Respect for multiculturalism”, “A. Requisite Attitudes – a4. Openness to intercultural learning and foreigners”.



赴外交換生, 跨文化能力, 層級分析法, Outbound Exchange Students, Intercultural Competence, Analytical Hierarchy Process





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