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  由於全球華語學習的普及,推升了「專業華語」(Chinese for Specific Purposes)的學習需求。專業華語可分為「職業華語」(Chinese for Occupational Purposes)與「學術華語」(Chinese for Academic Purposes)兩大範疇。目前有關職業華語的教材及教法研究頗豐,如商業華語、醫學華語、旅遊華語等;反觀學術華語,則研究不足(翟乃剛,2009;李泉,2011)。   以視覺圖像輔助第二語言學習,為二語教師普遍擅長的教學方法。諸多研究已證實,在二語詞彙學習及閱讀理解方面,使用文字搭配圖像的輔助教材,能有效提升學習成效(Chun& Plass, 1996; Kim & Gilman, 2008; Kost, Foss, & Lenzini, 1999; Omaggio, 1979; Pouwels, 1992; Yeh & Wang, 2003; Yoshii & Flaitz, 2002)。然而,當二語學習提升至高階學術知識的階段,學習內容漸趨抽象且深奧,所用詞彙亦愈趨專業,至此階段,圖像是否仍具有理想的輔助成效,實待驗證。   本文以「學術華語」中的「詩歌華語」科目作為研究目標,透過實證研究方法,比較母語、二語(即華語)兩種不同的文字輔助教材,搭配圖像與否,對詩歌學習後的回憶表現是否造成影響。受測者的表現透過「學術分析撰寫」、「學術分析詞彙」、「學術分析論點」三項能力指標進行評估。實驗結果顯示,輔助教材的形式對於學習者「學術分析撰寫」的篇幅長短,及「學術分析詞彙」的數量多寡,其影響並無顯著差異。然而,在「學術分析論點」的闡述能力方面,當輔助教材為華語文字時,搭配圖像確實能提升學習成效。反之,當輔助教材為母語文字時,搭配圖像則無法發揮正向效果,甚至形成負面影響。本文亦將研究結果應用於詩歌華語的教學活動設計,為詩歌華語教學提供具體建議。
Studying Chinese as a second language has become more and more popular recently. The number of L2 learners of Chinese for Specific Purposes (CSP) has grown every year. CSP has been divided into two main areas: Chinese for Occupational Purposes (COP) and Chinese for Academic Purposes (CAP). Many studies have been done on learning and teaching COP. Specific teaching materials have developed in response to COP topics such as Chinese for Business Purposes, Chinese for Medical Purposes, and Chinese for Traveling Purpose. However, relatively little research has been done on CAP (翟乃剛,2009;李泉,2011). The use of pictures as supplementary materials is a common strategy in second language (L2) teaching. Studies have shown that the combination of textual and pictorial materials improve the efficacy of L2 vocabulary learning and reading comprehension (Chun& Plass, 1996; Kim & Gilman, 2008; Kost, Foss, & Lenzini, 1999; Omaggio, 1979; Pouwels, 1992; Yeh & Wang, 2003; Yoshii & Flaitz, 2002). However, when L2 learners reach an advanced level of academic knowledge learning, the learning contents become more complex and abstract. It raises the concern of whether the use of pictorial illustration remain to be effective in an advanced L2 learning context. This study investigated the effectiveness of various supplementary materials in teaching the Chineseclassical poetry by comparing participants’ poetry analytical abilities under the following experimental conditions—first language (L1) or second language (L2) text only, and combination of picture and text. In the study, participants were asked to analyze the poetry after the learning sessions. Performances were based on the length of production, density of vocabularies, and density of arguments. The study found that the type of supplementary materials have no effect on length of production and the density of vocabularies. However, it was found that the L1 text-only group and L2 text and picture groups performed significantly higher on the density of the arguments. Conclusively, the study partially supports the idea that pictorial materials improve the efficiency in learning CAP. This study also has pedagogical applications for TCSL teachers teaching Chinese classical poetry to foreign students.



對外詩歌教學, 圖像輔助教材, 專業華語, 學術華語, teaching Chinese as a second language (TCSL), supplementary teaching materials, Chinese for specific purposes, Chinese for academic purposes





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