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近年來,台灣各大學院校設立藝文中心蔚為風氣,成為台灣當前成長最快速的藝文機構之ㄧ。在這股設置熱潮的帶領下,大學藝文中心不僅能讓學生在鑽研學術之餘,有更多的機會接受藝術文化的薰陶,藉由藝文活動的參與,亦促成大學校園藝文風氣的全面提升。隨著政府「社區總體營造」政策的持續推動,加速了社區意識的抬頭與大學校園的開放,在社會的期待下,促使大學藝文中心的服務的對象,從校內師生逐漸擴大至社區居民,社區參與成為大學藝文中心發展一個重要的動力,也使得大學藝文中心逐步走出了學院的藩籬,跨越校園、社會與文化的界限,積極扮演著地方公立藝文機構外的第二展演平台,進而成為臺灣藝術文化生態的一環。大學藝文中心透過活動的策劃與推廣,除將大學生培養成未來支持、欣賞藝術最主要的人口外,在這一波社會的期待中,它亦扮演對社區直接提供藝文活動的重要角色,越是欠缺藝文空間的社區,越發突顯大學藝文中心的重要性。 本研究在探討大學藝文中心與社區互動關係的相關議題時,首先分別以社區的概念與資源、大學與社區互動的目的與模式、大學與社區互動的困境與因應、大學藝文中心的社區功能、大學藝文中心與地方文化館的結合及案例分析等面向切入,對大學藝文中心的社區功能進行探討;之後再針對影響雙方互動之因素,及社區對於大學藝文中心之需求進行瞭解與分析,最後再提出建立雙方良好互動以及資源分享之最佳策略與改善建議。經研究發現,欲建構大學藝文中心與社區互惠互利的共存關係,其具體的做法和努力的目標有:一、大學藝文中心與社區應建立平等暢通的溝通管道,並持續的進行溝通;二、大學藝文中心與社區應發展共存共榮的資源分享關係;三、大學藝文中心應對社區所提供的多方位服務,帶動社區進步;四、大學藝文中心應自許成為地方精緻文化的催生者,並以打造社區藝文中心為努力的目標。 長期以來,台灣各大學藝文中在與社區互動關係的經營上並不積極,即使從1988年起至今近廿個年頭,大學藝文中心在社區文化功能的發展上,仍遠遠悖離社會的需求。所幸在社區總體營造觀念日益普及與社區居民的殷切期盼下,促使大學藝文中心開始重視社區參與,並有計畫的與社區進行資源分享。本論文期盼透過對台灣大學藝文中心與社區互動關係之探討,為其他大學藝文中心未來發展社區文化功能提供參考與建議。
In these years, it is common to see Taiwan universities start to set up their art centers, and these art centers become one of the most rapid-growing art institutions. With this art center trend, students not only can pursue academic study in university, but also have closer art experience in life. More art events there are in university; higher art level could be boosted. With government’s policy, Local Community Empowerment, local community concept now is popular. Moreover, with the easy accessibility of university, the target user of art center service quickly expend from students and staff only into local community citizens as well. Local community involvement now plays a more significant role in university art center development. University art centers step out the academic field and granted with more cultural and social mission. Besides public art institutions, university art centers are now the main platform for art events, and actively involved in Taiwan art ecology now. Closer to art in university life, students can develop their art sensibility, and further become potential art sponsors in the future. With the local community’s expectation, university art centers play more important roles where with less art platforms. This case study is aim to research the interactive relationship between art center and local community. Analyzed from several perspectives, such as local community concept and resource, interactive goal and model, interactive difficulty and resolution, the integration between university art center and local culture exhibition hall also detailed case study to further analyze university art center function in a local community. Later, influential factors on mutual parties, with local community expectation are also considered. Based on all perspectives, this research provide the strategy and improvement suggestion for resource sharing. How to develop a good interactive relationship on both parties? First, university art center and local community need to have streamless and open communication channel. Second, both parties should develop win-win situation by sharing more resource. Third, university art centers should provide local community various services and lead local community advancement. Four, university art center should expect itself to be the cradle of local exquisite culture, and become local art hub. Long time ago, university art centers are not eager to develop and maintain the interactive relationship with local community. Since 1988 till now, almost twenty years past by, university art centers still play inactive role in local art development, yet from what they are expected and needed. Fortunately, the penetration of community empowerment and the expectation from local citizens, university art centers start putting emphasis on local community involvement, and scheming out the resource sharing. This research hopes to provide more insights and advice on interactive relationship between art center and local community.



大學藝文中心, 社區, 互動關係, 社區文化, 社區總體營造, 社區參與, University Art Center, Community, Interactive Relationship, Community Culture, Community Empowerment/Development, Community Involvement

