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隨著新冠疫情的爆發,許多自然保育場域為了防疫而紛紛休園,在休園期間,人們觀察到有許多以往難以見到的動物出現在大街上、馬路上、步道上,但究竟休園這樣的措施會造成什麼樣的影響?休園制度是否能成為自然保育的重要手段之一?目前鮮少有相關的研究。由於目前針對休園制度的研究相當稀少,且在國內實施休園制度的自然保育場域亦為少數,為此,本研究以在臺灣有實施休園制度的福山植物園為研究對象,採取深入訪談的方式,並利用IUCN所提出的保護區經營管理評量架構(IUCN-WCPA framework for assessing management effectiveness of protected areas and systems),針對休園制度的運作進行全面性的檢視。近年來社會生態系統(Social-Ecological System)的探討已成為研究的一大主流,其認為探討一個議題不能僅從人類社會或自然環境之中的其中一個面向去做討論,因為兩者之間具有緊密的關聯性,故本研究藉由訪問專家學者、林試所職員、在地社區的居民與商家來探究休園制度在自然環境、自然保育場域經營管理以及在地的社區造成的影響,並利用系統性的思考進行更進一步的分析,希望能拋磚引玉,讓更多想要探討休園制度的有志之士能夠對「休園」這個議題能有較深入的了解。
Many nature conservation areas were closed due to COVID-19. When these areas were closed, people observed lots of animals, which appeared on the streets and trails that we couldn’t find easily before. However, “What influences would closure institution cause?”and “Could closure institution be a main measure of nature conservation strategies?” are the important questions that we haven’t thought about. So far limited studies about closure institution, and we should launch an investigation to solve them.In Taiwan, Fushan Botanical Garden is a rare and representative example that has implemented closure institution since 1993. Thus, this research takes Fushan Botanical Garden as the research area, using interview method and the concept of IUCN-WCPA framework for assessing management effectiveness of protected areas and systems to scrutinize closure institution more comprehensively.Social-Ecological system has been a well-known concept for just a few decades. It considers that we can’t discuss an environmental issue either the social part or the ecological part, we should combine them together because they have an inseparable connection. Therefore, this research will visit Fushan Research Center’s staff(who are responsible for managing Fushan Botanical Garden), academics, local residents and shops to explore how the closure institution affects the nature environment and local residents. Additionally, this study will examine this issue in greater depth by applying systems thinking. The goal of this research is to attract more researchers interested in closure institution to take part in similar issues and contribute to nature conservation.



休園制度, 福山植物園, 自然保育, 保護區經營管理評量架構, 社會生態系統, closure institution, Fushan Botanical Garden, nature conservation, IUCN-WCPA framework for assessing management effectiveness of protected areas and systems, social-ecological system





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