
dc.contributor.authorHsu, Shu-Chingen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究係採質性研究,以六位圍棋棋士母親為研究對象,藉深度訪談及相關文件蒐集,探究棋士母親在伴兒習藝歷程中母職經驗的內涵,據以了解圍棋棋士母親在棋士不同棋力階段中,母職角色的介入、相關資源的尋求以及母職經驗的建構歷程,並進而探討其所遇壓力、困境及因應策略。研究結果如下﹕ 入門至級位階段是棋士母親伴兒逐夢的開始。棋士母親於教育性母職,係採陪聽等待,以掌握學習狀況;將課程轉換淺白辭彙,以協助學習;慎選啟蒙老師,以奠定根基。於情感性母職,則為延續興趣而有不在意輸贏的態度、且為孩子進行手足競逐心理的引導。於實質性母職,則為開發孩子潛能,於社區發起圍棋班的設立。 業餘低中段階段是母子同行、漸入佳境的尋夢之旅。棋士母親於教育性母職,係著重營造習棋環境、且實地陪伴練棋。於情感性母職,則注重輸棋時心理支持、獲獎時與親友分享快樂。於實質性母職,則積極與棋友家長訊息交流、並提供棋士經濟支持。 業餘中高段階段是挫折、喜悅交相試鍊的築夢歷程。棋士母親於教育性母職,係提供學校課業指導,或篩選對手、協助邀局。於情感性母職,是為孩子紓解壓力、提供心理支持。於實質性母職,則協助報名、參與棋賽,並訂閱圍棋雜誌、支應比賽及習棋費用。 職業入段階段棋士母親終究不悔辛苦的伴兒圓夢。棋士母親於教育性母職,係為孩子課業輔導與實驗操作、且為之建立正確觀念與態度。於情感性母職,是為孩子提供正向支持與激勵、且棋士母親樂在伴兒成長歷程中。於實質性母職,則予以生活照顧、擔任往返接送的司機角色。 在伴兒習藝歷程中,棋士母親身負圍棋的勝負壓力、時間緊縮的壓力、家人歧見的壓力、社會主流價值觀的壓力,以及多重角色擠壓的壓力。於重重壓力中,棋士母親又歷經孩子習棋的低潮瓶頸階段,本身亦陷入徬徨矛盾、圍棋學業難以抉擇的困境;此外,尚有陪伴棋賽與家務衝突的困境,以及家人無法達成共識的困境。然而,若棋士年齡小、專注力與自信心夠,且本身擁有高度興趣,再輔以良好的天資與穩定的心理素質,則自我學習驅力較強且發展空間較大,於此,棋士母親的壓力會消減許多。 個人資源層面,之於陪伴棋賽的壓力,棋士母親會採離開現場、閱讀書報、專注工作、尋求宗教慰藉等方式紓壓;之於孩子棋局的挫敗,棋士母親會自我認知改變,以重整心緒;此外,個人經濟獨立、擬定生涯規劃,亦可降低棋士母親的心理壓力。社會支持層面,自配偶、家人、親屬、朋友、師長或圍棋組織等均為棋士母親提供支持的重要來源;尋求外在系統支持,將可成功紓解棋士母親之親職壓力。 依據研究結果,研究者分別對棋士母親、家庭、學校與政府教育主管機關,以及未來研究方向提出建議。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis study, taking six Go players’ mothers as the subjects, adopts qualitative research procedures. By the approach of in-depth interviews and collecting related documents, the study is intended to explore the motherhood experience of Go players during the apprenticeship of the children. It is to understand the role of motherhood intervention and related resources for the construction of motherhood experience, and thus to explore the pressure encountered, difficulties and coping strategies in different stages of Go skill progress. From the beginner level to the first rank is the beginning of the dream for the mothers accompanying their children. In educational motherhood, the mother attends class with their children in order to grasp the learning situation, as well as assist learning. To find a good instructor in order to lay their foundation. In emotional motherhood, the mother advises her children not to care about the results of the games, and guides them into positive competition between siblings. On substantive motherhood, for the potential development of her children, the mother organized Go classes in the community. In the lower to middle stage of the amateur career, with the accompany of mother, the journey of fulfilling their dream is getting better.In terms of educational motherhood, the mother creates a learning environment for Go and accompanies the children in practical training . In the emotional motherhood, the mother spiritually supports when the children lose in Go games and shares their happiness with relatives and friends with when they win. On substantive motherhood, the mother exchanges information with fellow Go players’ parents and provides financial support. In the middle to high stage of the amateur, both frustration and joy experienced in the process of carrying out dreams. In educational motherhood, the mother provides guidance for schoolwork, selecting the opponents, and invites other players for games. In emotional motherhood, the mother helps children to relieve stress and provides mental support. On substantive motherhood, the mother helps application, participates in tournaments, and subscribes Go magazines, and pays for the games and learning classes. When the child reaches the professional rank in Go, despite all the hardship in accompanying her child to strive for the dream, the mother never regrets. In educational motherhood, the mother provides academic tutoring and strategy experiments, and cultivates correct concept and attitude to Go. In emotional motherhood, the mother provides support and encourages their children, and enjoys their growth in the companion course. On substantive motherhood, the mother provides care, as the shuttle driver’s role. During the period of apprenticeship, accompany mothers of a Go player bear the pressure of the outcome of Go games, the pressure of time constraints, different opinions in the family, mainstream values of society, and the extrusion pressure of multiple roles. The mothers may face a dilemma of choosing between chess and schoolwork. In addition, there are conflicts between Go game accompanying and housework, and the plight of family members were unable to reach consensus. If the Go player is young with great concentration and self-confidence and has a high degree of interest, supplemented by good psychological quality of talent and stability, and a strong driving force of self-learning, the player will have more room to develop and the pressure of the mother will be much lower. In the aspect of personal resources, instead of bearing the pressure of Go game, the mother would be away from the scene to read books, newspapers, focus at work, and seek for religious consolation to alleviate pressure. When the child is frustrated in a game, the mother will adjust her concepts to restructure state of mind. In addition, individual economic independence and development of career planning can reduce the mother's mental stress. In the aspect of social support, spouses, family members, relatives, friends, teachers or Go organizations are important support for mothers. Seeking external support will be able to successfully relieve the mother's parenting pressure. Based on the findings, the researchers provides suggestions to Go players' mothers, families, schools and the education authorities, as well as suggestions for future research directions.en_US
dc.subjectmotherhood experienceen_US
dc.subjectparental pressureen_US
dc.subjectapprenticeship processen_US
dc.subjectqualitative researchen_US
dc.titleMotherhood Experience and Learning: A Learning Process Analysis of Go Players’ Accompanying Mothers during the Apprenticeship of their Childrenen_US

