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摘 要 本研究旨在探討高中物理教師教學能力與專業成長之現況調查,為達成研究目的,本研究主要採問卷調查之研究方法,並藉由召開學者專家與現職高中物理教師座談,以提高問卷之信效度。在問卷方面,利用自編之研究工具抽取全國90所公私、立高級中學之物理教師進行調查,以了解當前高中物理教師之教學能力與專業成長之現況與意見。本研究依據實際施測結果,有效樣本共計149位教師。調查資料使用SPSS for Windows 12.0套裝統計程式,進行資料分析後,得到2項研究結論如下:1.高中物理教師曾利用Flash或EasyJava 軟體製作物理動畫教材比例偏低(24.8﹪)。2.由本研究的結果顯示,高中物理教師對指標項目「9.我認為我的學生至少有一半適合科技生涯」的看法,在常理上的認知與實際上的調查結果,兩者差異頗大。最後提出3項建議如下:1.本研究建構發展的四項指標類別等16項指標項目,是一信度佳、效度佳的測量項目,適合做為高中物理教師提升自我教學能力與專業成長之工具。2.建議現職高中物理教師重新思考物理教師的角色,做一個全方位的良師,作育英才、提攜後進。3.對未來研究者的建議:研發高中物理教師教學評鑑指標。在研究對象方面:建議未來研究可以擴大取樣範圍,涵蓋任教於全國公、私立高職等之物理教師,以增加研究的代表性及推掄性,並增加訪談資料的蒐集與分析,以提高研究的客觀性。在研究內容方面:未來研究可進一步就物理教師之教案編製、著作、論文發表篇數、比賽獲獎次數與經歷等,設計物理教師之評鑑項目,做深入之研究與探討。
Abstract This research aims at investigating the present status of high school physics teachers’ teaching ability as well as their expertise. To reach the purpose, this research adopts mainly the research method of questionnaire survey. A symposium of scholars, experts and high school physics teachers is held to ensure the credibility and effectiveness of the questionnaire survey. Questionnaires exploring the present status of teaching ability, expertise and opinions of high school physics teachers are given out to physics teachers in 90 public and private high schools. The effective samples are from 149 teachers. All materials are analyzed by SPSS for Windows 12.0. The conclusion is as follows: 1. The physics teacher of high school has utilized Flash or EasyJava software to make physics teaching materials in a low proportion of 24.8%. 2. Shown by the result of this research, high school physics teachers hold very different views toward indicator 9, “ I think at least half of my students are suitable to have scientific and technological careers.” There is great difference between conventional cognition and the investigation result. Hence, 3 suggestions are proposed as follows: 1. This research constructs 16 indicators of 4 indicating categories of development, which are effective and credible measurement items and they are suitable for high school physics teachers to use as tools to promote their teaching ability as well as improve their expertise. 2. It is suggested that high school physics teachers ponders over their roles again. They are encouraged to become an omni-directional good teacher to educate talents and to guide and support the less advanced . 3. The suggestions for the future researcher are: First, research and develop the assessment indexes for physics teaching in high schools. In terms of research subject, the coverage is suggested be inclusive of the physics teachers in public and private high schools nationwide in order to ensure the inference and representativeness. Then, enhance the collection and analysis of the interview materials in order to improve the objectivity. Finally, in research content, further researches are encouraged to work on designing indication items for assessment in terms of numbers of theses, papers, writings, awards, or even the manufacturing of teaching materials.



教學能力, 專業成長, Teaching ability, Expertise

