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Hsuch-Chih Chen
Shu-Ling Peng
Chian-Chih Tseng
Ha-Wjeng Chiou

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Department of Educational Psychology, NTNU


本研究主要依據Friedman 、Fishbach 、自rster 與Werth (2003) 提出的「知覺注意廣度」(thescope of perceptual attention) 觀點,主張藉由眼球追蹤儀器蒐集的「平均掃視幅度大小」(theaverage saccade amplitude ,以下簡稱ASA) 與知覺注意廣度概念相似,並假設ASA 較大者,會促使較寬的概念注意廣度,進而產生較佳的創造力表現。本研究以大學生為研究樣本,並進行二個研究以探討之。研究一主要是讓受試者觀看由八張圖片所組成的刺激材料以獲得ASA 指標分數,蒐集受試者在CPAI-2 中的創造力人格特質、威廉斯創造性傾向量表與中文遠距聯想作業等分數,並使用皮爾森積差相關分別探討上述關係。結果發現:ASA 分別與擴散性思考特質、好奇心特質與中文遠距聯想、作業的通過率有接近顯著或達顯著的正相關。研究二則操弄受試者不同的ASA' 再測量他們於頓悟性問題的表現,並採用t-test 考驗之。 結果指出ASA 對頓悟性問題表現並無妓果存在。究其原因,或許兩者之間的相關為假性相關、抑或ASA 指標僅與某種創造力問題類型有關(如中文遠距聯想作業) ,而與頓悟性問題無關。綜合言之, ASA 與創造力間似乎為存有正向關係,但仍未發現兩者間是否有因果關係。本研究根據研究結果進行討論,並提出未來研究上的建議。
The purpose of this study was to examine the relation between the Average Saccade Amplitude (ASA) and Creativity under the eye tracker mechanism. The original concept is from Friedman, Fishbach, Forster, and Werth (2003). This study proposed that the principle of the ASA collected by eye tracker is similar to the scope of perceptual attention, and there is a positive relationship between the ASA and creativity. Furthermore, the ASA would affect the scope of conceptual attention, and in tum affect creative performance. According to the above description, there are four designed studies to test the relation between the ASA and creativity. Participants were Taiwanese students. In Studies I, 2, and 3, participants watched 8 pictures for gathering the ASA data. We also collected scores of creative personality traits in CPAI-2, the test of Divergent Feeling and CRAT from the above participants. Pearson' s correlations were used in the study. Results suggested that the correlations among the ASA, creativity (including personality trait of divergent thinking and curiousness), and CRAT were significantly positive or close to positive. In Study 4, we manipulated participants' ASA scope, and then observed their performance in insight problem solving. t-test was used to analyze the data. The results showed that the ASA had no effect on the performance in insight problem solving. Based on these findings, we argued that the ASA is related to some specific problem-solving in creativity rather than insight problems, or the relation between the ASA and creativity were spurious. Suggestions for further studies are proposed


