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本研究以探求個人潛意識為目的,故以超現實主義的思想與有關夢境的繪畫創作來作為研究目標。輔以佛洛伊德精神分析心理學學說來做為個人夢境之探討。於本創作論文中,以膠彩畫創作為發展主軸,並配合相關心理學論述的文獻,探討作品中出現物象的象徵意義。 肉眼所能看到的現實世界有限,而人類與生俱來的豐富想像力更是彌足珍貴的創作泉源;早自遠古時代的先民們早已開始透過神話與傳說中的各式奇異幻想,來打破現實空間裡早已既定的慣性思考邏輯與諸多規範;而十九世紀的超現實主義,深入人類潛意識進行探索,更是全無忌憚地打破了保守社會的眾多禁忌,透過種種夢境再現的畫作帶領人們徜徉於各式不可思議的想像世界。 身處在資訊流通快速的時代,人們接收了過多外在訊息,而內在的真實思緒早已被慣性思考邏輯與固有陳規所淹沒;傾聽內在的聲音,並從心理學的角度來分析夢境,創作上探索自我內在的本質與潛意識,並試圖配合「異世界」主題的作品解析,探討人類潛意識之美感運用於繪畫的可能性。希望藉由人類企圖打破現實既有限制的異想空間,與近代具超現實風格的創作表現中,尋找在藝術創作中可依循的軌跡,進而發覺真實的自我研究,並透過東方媒材的創作形式與技法,來應證自己的創作。
This dissertation explores the unconscious mind of dream-related paintings which have been created using a concept of surrealism. Moreover, psychoanalysis of Sigmund Freud has been taken into consideration in order to understand dream interpretation. In the paper, tempera color painting has played a main role as well as referring to academic documentation from psychology to analyze the symbolic significances of creation works. Humankind has possessed such affluent imagination that it has become a valuable resource of art creation. On the other hand, lack of imagination causes limitation of creativity. The ancients employed mythology and fairy tales to break through barriers, which are the established logic in people minds. In the early 20th century, surrealism was developed by exploring peoples’ unconscious mind, thus it led to endangering taboos in conservative societies. Nevertheless, creations produced by imagination through dreams have allowed viewers to enter a fantasy world. Living in the modern technological age, many people have heavily overloaded with external information. Furthermore, analyzing dreams through psychology have been crucial to complete the dissertation. Furthermore, analyzing the nature of people and the unconscious mind has been beneficial to perform the art creation of World of Fantasy in order to understanding the possibilities of using an aesthetic perception on paintings. It has been crucial to find a method of art creation by the modern surrealist creations and breaking through the finite space of people’s imagination. Accordingly, “World of Fantasy” has been developed and completed using such concepts and technique from Eastern Material.



超現實主義, 潛意識, 異世界, Surrealism, unconscious mind, World of Fantasy





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