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  臺灣早年發展的動畫產業大多是替日本、歐美代工平面手繪卡通動畫,其他類型的動畫甚少著墨,從事偶動畫的創作者與作品更為稀少。停格「偶動畫」(Stop-motion Puppet Animation)字面上的「Stop」與「motion」說明了它的關鍵技術,即「停」與再「動作」,亦即利用停格拍攝技術製作而成的一種動畫類型。    本論文以「停格偶動畫」的設計創作為研究主題,第二章為相關文獻之探討,從歷史的角度探討動畫原理、停格動畫的定義與類型,並對於偶動畫的源起、發展與製作概況歸納整理。第三章則是案例影片分析,以《聖誕夜驚魂》(The nightmare before Christmas)、《落跑雞》(Chicken Run)、《哆基朴的天空》(Doggy Poo)等三部具代表性的偶動畫影片進行案例分析。從角色設計製作、拍攝運鏡、空間營造、燈光色彩變化、聲音使用與影片剪接手法等製作面向,分析關鍵要點與表現技巧,進而形成本研究創作之方法。第四章則應用分析所得,以實務創作完成《遺忘的回憶》停格偶動畫作品,將理論研究與實務製相互結合與驗證。    由研究與實務創作中得知,「故事編寫」與「分鏡設計」是偶動畫創作過程中最重要的前製階段,透過故事結構分析方法可強化故事結構編寫的完整與戲劇性;分鏡設計則對於後續各製作階段的設計走向與表現技巧有決定性的影響。以矽膠(Silicone)替代發泡乳膠(Foam Latex)製作角色人偶有易於控制、表現細膩與價格便宜的優勢;多從俯、仰角度攝影取景有助於畫面的張力表現;交錯使用推軌、擺鏡與伸縮鏡頭等運鏡並配合切、淡、溶、疊接等轉場方式可豐富視覺表現;燈光設計與背景主題音樂則有效的烘托渲染整體動畫效果。本研究所得與創作紀錄已在論文中詳加說明,提供相關研究者參考指正並作為後續研究之基礎。
Animation industry in its nascent development stage in Taiwan was mainly in the manufacturing form of hand-drawing cartoon animation as an OEM vendor for Japan, Europe, and America, whereas other types of animation were rarely advocated, not to mention the scarcity of the creation and works of puppet animations. “Stop-motion Animation” literally implies its key technology concept — “stop” and “motion.” Stop-motion “Puppet Animation” is the type of animation made by a stop-motion filming technology.    This thesis focuses on the design and creation of the “Stop-motion Puppet Animation”Chapter 2 is the research of related documents. It probes into the animation rationale, definition and types of stop-motion animation from historical aspect. Besides it generalizes the origin ,development and manufacturing of the puppet animation.Chapter 3 is about case study of three famous puppet animation works — “The nightmare before Christmas,” “Chicken Run,” and “Doggy Poo” — to look into key essences and filter out expression crafts for puppet animation creation.The analysis focus on various manufacturing angles such as role setting and creation, filming angle design, stage spacing build-up, lighting color variation, and voiceover selection and film cutting style. Furthermore, it came out the creation method for this research .Chapter 4 is about applying the outcomes of analysis to practically make the creation of the stop-motion puppet animation works—“The Lost Memories.” Amid practical hands-on stage, the story-writing and Storyboard are most important in the pre-manufacturing process of puppet animation.Via the story-structure-analysis method,the story-structure could be more fulfilled and dramatic.Storyboard could be the key-factor of the design style and representing skills in the latter manufacturing phases.Replacing the Foam Latex with Silicone during the process of puppets-making could be advantageous in the aspects of easy-controlling ,delicate-perform and cost-saving.With more elevation-angle and depression-angle framings,it could make more tensions in picture performing. To mix several camera behaviors ,such as tracking-shot,pan-shot and zoom-shot,and with more cutting, fading dissolving and superimposition transitions,it could rich the visual expression.Besides,Lighting design and theme BGM could exaggerate the animation effects thoroughly. The research reflections and creation records have also been clearly elaborated and attached to this thesis, as a provision of reference for feedback and foundation to the related researches hereafter.



動畫, 立體動畫, 偶動畫, 停格動畫, 停格偶動畫, Animation, 3-D Animation, Puppet Animation, Stop-motion Animation, Stop-motion Puppet Animation

