埃德溫.約克.包文 《為雙簧管與鋼琴的奏鳴曲,作品 85》之樂曲分析與詮釋

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本論文針對埃德溫.約克.包文 (Edwin York Bowen, 1884-1961, 以下簡稱包文) 的《為雙簧管與鋼琴的奏鳴曲,作品 85》(Sonata for Oboe and Piano, Op.85) 進行深入 的研究與探討,藉由作曲家生平、時代背景、創作風格和曲式分析及詮釋,完整了解 整首樂曲,以幫助風格的掌握和貼近作曲家所譜寫的演奏方式。全文共分為六章。第一章為緒論,針對研究的動機與目的以及如何搜集資料的研 究方法和要探討的範圍做介紹。第二章為包文生平簡介,將包文的一生按年份概述。 第三章為創作風格特色與《為雙簧管與鋼琴的奏鳴曲,作品 85》創作背景,概述二十 世紀音樂背景,並藉由包文不同器樂作品的比較,歸納包文常用的創作手法,同時陳 述《為雙簧管與鋼琴的奏鳴曲,作品 85》當時創作的原因。第四章為樂曲分析,針對 三個樂章的曲式、動機、旋律做細部分析。第五章為樂曲詮釋,詳述三個樂章的用 氣、嘴型、演奏法安排。第六章為結語,將此論文重點統整與總結。
The thesis is aimed at the research and discussion on York Bowen’s Sonata for Oboe and Piano, Op.85. With the composer’s life, background, creative style, and musical format analysis and interpretation, one can complete understanding the whole piece of work and then get close to the performance style written by the composer.The thesis is divided into six chapters. Chapter one is Introduction.Introduce the motivation and purpose of the research, the research methods of how to collect data, and the scope to be explored. Chapter two is a brief introduction to Bowen’s life. Chapter three is the style and the background of Sonata for Oboe and Piano, Op. 85. Summarize the twentieth century, and through the comparison of Bowen’s different instrumental works to find out his commonly used techniques. Chapter four is analysis of the music. Chapter five is the interpretation of music. Chapter six is the conclusion.



包文, 奏鳴曲, Bowen, sonata

