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在政府再造與新公共管理運動的推波助瀾下,全球各地要求政府節約成本的同時,也逐漸重視施政成果與提升施政績效。尤其在政府財政困難及人力精簡考量因素下,衝擊各國公立博物館之經營理念與策略,紛紛導入企業化績效管理制度,設立績效評估指標,強調以成果為導向,以明確回應課責。本研究旨在建構一套客觀且適用當前環境的「公立博物館績效評估指標與權重體系」,俾利監督機關未來建立監督管理的課責機制,並有助於提升博物館之經營績效。 本研究試從平衡計分卡之理論基礎,公立博物館相關文獻的探討與訪談結果,初步建構績效評估指標;採用修正式德爾菲法篩選其指標之適切性,提出四大構面、二十四項績效指標;再藉由層級分析法之實證調查,分析各層級之相對權重值與重要性排序,提出公立博物館績效考核制度設計之建議。 研究結果顯示,依績效構面權重值的排序結果:營運管理權重值最高,依序為公共服務、財務管理、及研究與成長;若分成學術界與實務界兩類,學術界認爲營運管理構面居首,接著爲公共服務、財務管理、及研究與成長;另外,實務界則略有不同偏好,順次爲營運管理、公共服務、研究與成長及財務管理。在第二層績效指標中,權重植最重為:明確的博物館使命及目標;接著為:管理階層具執行力、觀眾的滿意程度、健全內部管理規章制度、強化內部控制機制、服務多元及便利性、資產的妥善管理與應用、具體提升服務品質、員工專業能力之培訓、觀眾人數成長情形、推動國際交流、計畫執行成效檢核機制、新觀眾市場的開發情形、營運資訊透明公開化機制及支出合理性與成本控管等十五項指標項目,占二十四項指標中之權重比例的百分之八十一。 在實證研究中發現,透過本研究建構之績效指標,不僅使評估指標可以確實反映工作目標,同時完整的評估程序也可充分發揮績效評估之功能性,由此可說明本研究所建構之績效指標,應具提高績效評估效度之實用價值。最後提出對政府主管機關制度、經費、人力資源方面及對公立博物館制度、公共服務、營運管理、財務管理、研究與成長等方面之建議計二十三項。
Under the global trend of government reforms and the new public management movements, most governments implement policies regarding budget cuts to public affairs, and introduce policies to improve performances. In facing a frugal budget and fiscal difficulties, which incur operations to streamline museum labor forces and deficiency of resources, management policies of public museums would certainly be affected. Therefore, public museums respond to the changing world and the needs of accountability in public sectors by introducing enterprise performance management system and implementing performance evaluation indicators to museums assessment. These strategies assist museums to enhance performances. This research entitled “Constructing the Evaluation Indicators and the Weight System of Public Museums Performance” aims to explore an objective mechanism for those institutes and parties that are entitled to conduct supervisions on museum management. Through establishing rules of evaluation and imposing accountability, the well-balanced mechanism of evaluation system is liable to enhance museum performances. Based on theories of the Balanced Score Card, this research establishes assessment indicators by conducting literary reviews and interviews. This research applies modified Delphi Method to decide the appropriateness of the indicators. These indicators are then categorized into four main perspectives and twenty-four criteria options. Through Analytic Hierarchy Process, or AHP, these perspectives and criteria options are weighted and arranged in sequences by conducting parewise comparisons with each other in rotation. These sequences of indicators are possible references in ruling out a mechanism of assessment. The results of this research suggest that under the performance perspective, operation perspective is weighted as of primary importance, followed by public service, finance management, and research and growth. The dichotomy opinions between academic and museum professionals reveal differences as follow: for those academic professionals, operation management is ranked as the most important option followed by public service, financial management, and research and growth; whereas for museum professionals, operation management takes priority over public service, research and growth, and financial management. In the criteria options of the second level of AHP, Clear mission statement and objectives for the museum is ranked as top. Those ranked behind in sequences are: Full executive power from managerial level, Audience satisfaction, Sound internal management rules and regulations, Sophisticated internal control, Multiple service and convenience, Proper management and execution on assets, Improve service quality, Staff training for professional expertise, Attendance growth, Establishment of international marketing strategy, and strengthening of international exchanges, Developing new audiences market, Measurement mechanisms for effective project execution, Transparency and open mechanism for operating figures, Reasonable expenditure and cost control. The 15 criteria options above account for 81% of the total 24 indexes. It is found in the empirical study that the research undertaken through the study of performance indicators helps to pin up mission goals by applying performance evaluation indicators to proceed an assessment process. A well conducted museum performance assessment will demonstrate the function of performance evaluation. These findings indicate that the mechanism and system of performance evaluation can assist to enhance credibility of performance evaluation. Based on the findings of this research, the author proposes suggestions in twenty-three captions, regarding questions of supervision mechanism, fiscal problems, human resources, as well as institutional problems of the public museums, public services, operation management, financial management, research and growth, and so on.



公立博物館, 平衡計分卡, 層級分析法, 績效評估指標, 故宮博物院, Public Museums, Balanced Score Card, BSC, Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP, Performance Evaluation Indicator, National Palace Museum

