
dc.contributorChou, Tzren-Ruen_US
dc.contributor.authorLai, Yu-Lingen_US
dc.description.abstract視覺設計工作中,總是須耗時思考將欲配色的色彩面積予以適當的比例配置,才可達到最佳的視覺效果,這對於年輕的設計師與無經驗使用者則更顯費力。比較坊間套裝配色工具皆無法配置調和的色彩面積比例,包括Adobe Color亦無此項功能,而實務上最常使用的比例為70:25:5(主色:輔助色:強調色),當面對多樣性的平面設計似乎稍嫌不足。因此,本研究以曼賽爾表色系統(Munsell Color System)及色彩調和論為基礎,設計自動色彩面積比例指派方法,首先使用映射法給定色彩數量並輸入模組取得數個色彩與面積比,接續將色彩轉換算成曼賽爾表示式並排列最相近的面積比例以產生最佳色彩指派。依據問卷施測結果顯示,所設定以學者Judd, D. B和 Wyszechi, G所提出之色彩和諧量化方式,井然有序的(orderly)、熟悉的(familiar)、相似的(similar)、清晰明確的(unambiguous)、調和度4項指標進行問卷施測,整體平均數達3分以上,符合色彩和諧度。此外,預測變項多元迴歸分析施測後,取「色環-曼賽爾」、「色環-黃金比例」、「畫作-曼賽爾」、「畫作-黃金比例」平均數最高的一題例題進行迴歸分析。在「色彩調和度」迴歸分析中結果,共有9項預測變相的整體性p值達到顯著水準(p<0.05),(p=0.000~0.038),7項預測變相的整體性p值未達到顯著水準(p=0.114~0.722)。在預測色彩調和度對美感、喜好度之間交叉相關係數分析的實驗結果顯示調和度與喜好度、美感之間呈現顯著相關。後續探討此差異之影響因素得知個人生活經驗及文獻所述造形,亦可能使受試者對色彩調和認知產生細微差別,但整體來說對於無設計背景者之實用價值達到一定的認同度,有助於使用者縮短配色面積指派所需之時程,加速產出設計成品為設計產業提供一個新的輔助工具。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn visual design work, it is always necessary to think about the appropriate proportion of the color area to be matched to achieve the best visual effect, which is more laborious for young designers and inexperienced users. Comparing commercially available color matching software and Adobe Color neither can divide a harmonious proportion of the color area. In practice, the most commonly used ratio is 70:25:5 (main color: auxiliary color: accent color), which seems to be slightly insufficient when faced with diverse graphic design work. Thus, based on the Munsell Color System and color harmony theory, this study designed a method of automatically assigning the proportion of color areas. First, the mapping method is used to give the number of colors and enter them into the module to get several color-to-area ratios. The color conversion is then calculated into the Munsell formula and the nearest proportion of the area is arranged to produce the best color assignment.Based on the questionnaire results and the color harmony quantification method proposed by the reference scholars Judd, D. B and Wyszechi, G, we can see from (orderly, familiar, similar, unambiguous) and 4 harmony indicators that the average is more than 3 points, and conforms to the color harmony. Besides, after the prediction variant, many regression analysis is tested, the regression analysis is performed from the example questions of"Color Ring-Munsell", "Color Ring-Golden Ratio", "Painting-Munsell" and "Painting-Golden Ratio", and the question with the highest average is used. In the regression analysis of "color harmony", a total of 9 predicted variables reached a significant level of p-values (p<0.05, p=0.000~0.038), and the p-values of the remaining 7 terms did not reach the significant level (p=0.114~0.722). In the experimental results of predicting the color harmony and the cross-correlation coefficient analysis between aesthetics and preferences, it is shown that there is a significant correlation between the harmonization degree and the degree of preference and aesthetics. Next analysis of this difference, it is learned that personal life experience and the literature described"shape", may cause subjects to make subtle differences in color tone and cognition. But on the whole, the practical value of those without a design background reaches a certain degree of recognition. This helps users shorten the color matching time and accelerates the production of finished design products to provide a new auxiliary tool for the design industry.en_US
dc.subjectColor schemeen_US
dc.subjectColor assignmenten_US
dc.subjectMunsell color systemen_US
dc.subjectGraphic designen_US
dc.titleA Study on the Color Assignment Based on Munsell Area Ratio and its Application to Graphic Designen_US

