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摘要 萬物一切從無到有,而無彩色即是黑灰白的觀點來談顏色,雖然色彩有助於表達感覺、溫度和氣氛,但有時也容易分散觀看者的注意力。無彩印象往往有消除顏色的視覺優勢、提高視覺注意力並移轉到內容主體想傳達的圖像訊息上。顏色印象是平面廣告印象非常重要的一個因素,顏色的情感也影響觀看者心理及意識形態上對廣告印象的認定,平面廣告視覺印象分別存在於無彩色與有彩色的兩大類型,創意是廣告的靈魂,無彩色的運用是創意也是技巧,現今平面廣告的表現技法,視覺的型態更趨多元,隨著科技及電腦軟體的提升,在製作上也提供了創作者更多的想像力及視覺呈現上的多樣化。 本研究收集全球三大洲九大重要國際廣告獎,無彩印象平面廣告獲獎作品:亞洲:時報廣告金像獎、中國廣告長城獎、日本ADC廣告獎;美洲:紐約廣告獎、CLIO廣告獎、ONE SHOW廣告獎;歐洲:坎城廣告獎、EPICA廣告獎、倫敦國際獎,以文獻探討、個案研究、KJ法,提出無彩印象在平面廣告視覺運用,並歸納出:影像、插畫、圖型、文字等四種類型的視覺印象,更進一步細分為:傳統攝影、數位影像、手繪插畫、數位插畫、圖案圖型、文字圖型、手繪文字、電腦文字、圖像文字等九項應用手法,來探討主視覺表現相關創作研究。 因人們對顏色的認知和理解的不同,平面視覺在完全靜態的呈現時,除了表現技巧的直覺感受外,對於顏色的內在感受也影響廣告的訴求效果。平面廣告創意主要是依靠影像圖形視覺來呈現,色調的巧妙運用可以使廣告印象表達內容更加特殊,更具衝擊力,廣告講求差異化,獨特性,越有創意風格的廣告越能夠得到消費者的青睞,依本研究之成果應用於無彩印象平面廣告創作,共完成四個系列廣告作品:影像類手法的眼睛篇、插畫類手法的陰影篇、圖型類手法的按讚篇、文字類手法的數字與注音篇等系列11件平面廣告創作。
Abstract Creation develops from null. Achromatic colors are including black, white and gray. Although full color helps expressing the feelings, temperature and atmosphere, but sometimes they also distract viewers. The impression of achromatic colors engross people in detail, veins, lines, layer, contrast, figure and image story, also catch viewer's eyes, and find connotative meaning from the vision impression. As above mentioned, achromatic colors make advertising more impressived. The performance method of advertisement lets the visual pattern be getting more diversified at present. Due to the science and technology and the computer software promotes in designing advertisement to provide the creator more imaginations and the vision present the last choice. The color is a vision to inform a medium count for much factor. The emotion in color will also influence viewer mental state and consciousness shape top for affirming advertisement impression. This research concluded the importance of achromatic color on graphic design by documentary researching and case-studying artistic creations with KJ methods, through the prize-winning collections including 9 International Advertising Awards. The 9 International Advertising Awards mentioned which are (1) Asia: ‘Times Advertising Awards’, ‘The China International Advertising Awards’, ‘Tokyo Art Directors Club’. (2) America: ‘New York Festivals Advertising Awards’, ‘Clio Awards’, ‘One Show Awards’. (3) Europe: ‘Cannes Lions’, ‘London International Advertising Awards’, ‘The Editors& Publishers International Creative Awards’, and is willing to provide a reference for creators on technique of expressions in graphic design of advertising.



無彩色, 無彩印象, 平面廣告, 黑白廣告圖像, 色彩溫度, Achromatic, Graphic design, Print advertisement, Color temperature





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