

運動遊戲介入對國中智能障礙學生動作能力促進之研究 中華民國96年1月 研究生:徐安國 指導教授:程瑞福 摘要 本研究旨在探討運動遊戲介入對國中智能障礙學生動作能力促進之個案研究。研究參與對象為就讀○○國中啟智班的三位學生,三人障礙程度分別為:甲生輕度智能障礙、乙生中度智能障礙、丙生極重度智能障礙。三位學生均接受布因氏動作能力測驗(Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency簡稱BOTMP)簡式(short form)之前測。經過四週,每週五次,共計二十次的運動遊戲課程後,再進行後測。本研究採以視覺直接針對前、後測的結果做比較、分析。依據研究分析結果,而得以下結論: 一、 實施運動遊戲能促進國中智能障礙學生大肌肉動作能力的發展。但障礙程度對研究參與者大肌肉動作能力的改變未見影響的。 二、 實施運動遊戲能促進國中智能障礙學生小肌肉動作能力的發展。但障礙程度對研究參與者小肌肉動作能力的改變未見影響的。 關鍵詞:運動遊戲、啟智班、智能障礙、動作能力
The study towards the intervention of movement plays on the motor proficiency improvement of the mental-retardation students in junior high school Abstract: This study mainly focused on “the intervention of movement plays on the motor proficiency improvement of the mental- retarded students in junior high school.” The participants were three students from the self-contained class for the mentally-retarded in ○○ junior high school. The mental- retarded degrees of these three students were minor, medium and severe. They all took the short form pre-tests of Bruininks-Oseretsky test of motor proficiency. The pre-tests were conducted four weeks, five times per week and 20 movement plays in total. After took the pre-tests, the students then proceeded to take the post-tests. The resulted of this study were concluded from visually analyzing the test data of the pre-tests and post-tests, compared the differences between the results of the pre-tests and post-tests, and compared the relationship between these three participants. According to the results of the tests and analyses, the conclusions were as follows: 1. By took movement plays program, the gross motor proficiency of the mental- retarded students can be improved significantly. But mental- retarded students’ range was not necessarily relevant to the gross motor proficiency improvement. 2. By took movement plays program, the fine motor proficiency of the mental- retarded students can be improved significantly. But mental- retarded students’ range was not necessarily relevant to the fine motor proficiency improvement. Key Words:movement play, self-contained class for the mental-retarded, motor proficiency



運動遊戲, 啟智班, 智能障礙, 動作能力, movement play, self-contained class for the mental-retarded, motor proficiency





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