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約瑟芬‧朗(Josephine Lang, 1815-1880)為十九世紀的德國女性作曲家之一,她創作的作品數量近千首,其作品又以德文藝術歌曲為多,超過一百五十首。她以她丈夫柯斯林(Reinhold Köstlin, 1813-1856)的詩作所譜的近四十首藝術歌曲,情意真切,是她藝術歌曲中的經典之作。 本篇研究從十八世紀末的法國大革命對德國在文學、教育、民族主義及女性主義的影響開始探討。在十九世紀的音樂上,男性作曲家的光芒畢露,與女性作曲家的保守隱匿有顯著的差別。本篇研究也從社會改革的角度出發,探討女性作曲家在十九世紀的德國社會中所受到的束縛。 藉由筆者上述的研究方向,本篇研究的主要內容分別以「十九世紀德國社會背景及女性作曲家的地位發展」、「約瑟芬‧朗與詩人柯斯林的生平概述」及「十一首德文藝術歌曲之樂曲分析與演唱詮釋」作呈現。 筆者希望藉由對於十九世紀德國女性作曲家的探討,及對於約瑟芬‧朗的作品分析與詮釋,來加深筆者對於當時德文藝術歌曲的理解,且深化於演唱詮釋之中。另一方面,也希望在本篇研究後,能為歌者們在演唱上提供更多的曲目,創造聽眾們更多的聆賞空間。
Josephine Lang (1815-1880) was a nineteenth century women composers, composed nearly one thousand musical works in various forms. Most of Josephine Lang’s compositons were songs, which were over one hundred and fifty in number. She wrote forty songs using her husband Reinhold Köstlin’s (1813-1856) poetry. These songs, reflected the loving couple’s affection, were her best-known works. This study discusses aspects of impact of the French Revolution in the late eighteenth century on German literature, education, nationalism and feminism. The male composers’ active domination of the nineteenth century musical world is in huge contrast to the female composers’ passive attitude. This study also provides a discussion on the restrained female composers’ status in the nineteenth century from the social context. This study contains the following sections in order: the social background and the status of the women composers in the nineteenth century, short biography of Josephine Lang and Reinhold Köstlin, and the performance analysis of Josephine Lang’s eleven selected songs based on Reinhold Köstlin poetry. This study intends to get the further understanding of the German songs and deepen the interpretation while singing by analyzing Josephine Lang’s songs. Besides, this study also expects to widen singers’ repertoire and create more chance for listeners to appreciate these outstanding works.



女性作曲家, 約瑟芬‧朗, 柯斯林, Women composers, Josephine Lang, Reindhold Köstlin

