整合Google Map 與Location-Based Workflow Service之平台建置與探討

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近年來由於網際網路和資訊科技的快速演進與蓬勃發展,新科技時代的來臨,改變了人們的日常生活型態,也促進了人與人之間的溝通。此外行動定位服務(Location-based Service, LBS)的普及應用提供了使用者額外的加值服務,它整合可定位的行動裝置,諸如個人數位助理(Personal Digital Assistant, PDA)、手機、筆記型電腦、掌上型電腦等,並利用全球衛星系統(Global Positioning System, GPS)所提供的定位資訊加以輔佐,允許人們隨時隨地可透過無線通訊網路或行動裝置本身獲取所需的資訊,例如查詢餐廳資訊、訂票的相關服務、旅遊行程的規劃、緊急事故的呼叫救援、路況查詢服務等。故本研究以行動裝置定位服務結合Google Map,包含圖形化的操作介面,視覺化的旅遊資訊呈現,客製化的行程規劃,提供個人化的服務,讓使用者可獲取所需資訊,查詢相關的資料,供使用者選取喜好景點,量身訂做專屬的個人行程,並動態建立工作流程,依據使用者選取的工作流程模組,透過本研究所定義的網路服務流程模組語言(Web Service Workflow Control Pattern Language, WCPL),動態產生網路服務商業流程(Web Service Business Process Execution Language, WS-BPEL),連結相關的網路服務(Web Service),進行預訂的程序,提供使用者一套個人化的專屬服務。
With the rapid growth of Information and Internet technology in this Information explosion era, new technologies not only change people’s daily lives but also improve the communications between people. Moreover, the wide-spread applications of Location-Based Service (LBS), which integrates positioning-supported mobile devices, such as Personal Digital Assistant (PDA), mobile phone, notebook, handheld devices, provide additional value-added services to benefit users. They allow people acquiring information, for example, query the restaurant information, ticketing service, trip planning, emergency phone call, or traffic inquiring, through the wireless network from the mobile device itself. Consequently, the development of location-based workflow service which integrates with Google Map is investigated in this thesis. Its features include the graphical user interface, visualization of site information, customized trip planning and dynamic workflow-based scheduling. In addition, Workflow Control Pattern Language (WCPL) which implements various workflow patterns is proposed as well to reduce the difficulty and save the time consuming when creating a new business workflow process.



行動定位服務, 工作流程模版, 網路服務, 網路服務商業流程, Location-Based Service, graphical user interface, workflow pattern, dynamic workflow-based scheduling, Workflow Control Pattern Language

