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A huge change of Taiwan society happened during 1990s. Due to the rapid development of media and technology, the young generation grew up within the variability of visual images that nurtured their visual experience and value system. It also caused differences of aesthetic judgment between generations. Music videos (MV), originated from Europe and the US TV programs, delivered the contents with new way of story telling and new visual style. Those changed the tradition ways of presentation and became the most representative form of modern popular culture. This study adopted 12 MVs as visual stimuli, controlled the “rhythm” and “narration way” as two independent variables. The adolescents aged 12-15 and adults age 35-55 served as the two generations of subject. The subjects watched the stimuli through an eye-tracking machine. Their eye movement, aesthetic judgment, preference, and other relative responses were collected by the instrument and a questionnaire. The results indicate: (1) There is significant interaction between generation and MV rhythm to the three dependent variables, aesthetic judgment, preference, and pleasure. The adolescents preferred high rhythm significantly more than the adults. They felt such MVs more pleasing and with higher aesthetic value than the low rhythm stimuli. On the contrary, the adults thought oppositely. (2) To the preference and aesthetic judgment, there is significant interaction between generation and narration way. The both generations had similar aesthetic judgment to the linear narration MVs, while the adults had much lower judgment and preference to un-linear ones. The two generations had opposite preferences in terms of MV rhythm. (3) To the meaning perception, there was significant interaction between generation and rhythm. The adults thought the low rhythm MVs were more meaningful, while the younger generation felt the same to stimuli of both rhythms. (4) Results about eye movement indicate the adolescents’ “average looking time” was significant longer than the adults. (5) All subjects took significant longer “average fixation duration” when watching the high rhythm and un-linear MVs. (6) All subjects’ “average saccade amplitude” were significant larger when watching high rhythm and un-linear MVs. (7) The findings of “pupil size mean” present differences between generations. The adolescents’ pupil size was significantly larger than the adults while watching the stimuli. In summery, the short cutting, fast camera action, un-linear or non-successive narration of the MVs were more acceptable to the adolescents. Comparing to the adults’ focus on the contents of MVs, the adolescents enjoyed the sensations from the rapid rhythm of them. The results from eye-tracking suggests that the subjects’ visual experiences and familiarity influenced the way of eye-movement while watching MVs.



世代, 流行影像, 音樂錄影帶, 審美, 偏好, 眼球運動, generation, popular image, music video (MV), aesthetic, preference, eye-movement

