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本研究目的在於了解使用海洛因個案於接受美沙冬療法期間生活品質六大範疇之性別差異,並探討性別差異與使用年資及最近一次美沙冬使用劑量之相關性。因在藥物濫用的處遇上,女性的處境比男性更複雜,希望在了解性別差異及其與使用年資及劑量之相關性後,能依此進行修正,以提升個案參與美沙冬治療之持續度,藉此提高戒除海洛因之成功率。 本研究採用二級資料進行分析,於2008年7月第一次收案,共收集4家醫療院所599位樣本,包含521位男性個案及78位女性個案,以結構式問卷進行訪談,6個月後進行第2次收案時,個案數為273位,包含男性234名及女性39名。結果顯示,在生理範疇中,生活品質差異與性別及最近一次美沙冬使用劑量之交互作用呈顯著(p=.031);在心理範疇中,生活品質差異與海洛因使用年資(p=.008)及性別及最近一次美沙冬使用劑量之交互作用呈顯著(p=.031);在社會範疇中,生活品質差異與海洛因使用年資(p=.035) 呈顯著;在台灣社會範疇中,生活品質差異與海洛因使用年資(p=.028) 呈顯著;而在環境及台灣環境範疇中,則均未達顯著。
The purpose of this research is to investigate gender differences in the six categories of quality of life during heroin users receiving methadone maintenance therapy,and explore the correlation between gender differences、the length of drug abuse and the last dose of Methadone. In these cases of drug abuse, women’s situation is more complicated than men’s, so I hope that after investigating the correlation between gender differences、length of drug abuse and the last dose, it can be amended . And to enhance the success rate of heroin addition recovery by increasing the retention rate of heroin users receiving methadone maintenance therapy. We used secondary data to analysis in this research. We started to collect data with a structured questionnaire in July 2008. A total of 599 samples from 4 medical institutions were collected, including 521 male cases and 78 female.When we collected data after 6 months, the number of cases was 273, including 234 males and 39 females.The results of this study reveals that in the physiological category, the interaction effect between the difference in quality of life、gender and the last dose of methadone was significant (p=.031); in the psychological category, the difference in quality of life and the length of drug abuse (p=.008) and the interaction effect in gender and of the last dose was significantly (p=.031); in the social category, the difference in quality of life and the length of drug abuse (p=.035) was significant; in the social category of Taiwan, the difference in quality of life and the length of drug abuse (p=.028) is significant; in the environmental and Taiwanese environment category, it is not significant.



生活品質, 性別, 美沙冬維持療法, 海洛因, gender, heroin, methadone maintenance therapy, quality of life





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