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Department of Civil Education and Leadership, NTNU
Department of Civil Education and Leadership, NTNU
本研究主旨在探究服務學習與學生發展理論,據以驗證大學生參加服務性社團與未參加服務性社團者之自我概念、價值觀、助人行為與人際關係等發展上的差異。 本研究採取準實驗研究法的研究設計,然因時間的限制,有關大學生參加服務性社團與未參加服務性社團在學生發展方面的資料,係藉「大學生發展問卷」進行實證研究。以臺灣地區大學院校與科技大學一至四年級學生為研究對象,採多段式分層叢集隨機取樣方式,計選取19所大學院校,共726位大學生為有效樣本,其中376位參加服務性社團者為實驗組,350位未參加服務性社團者為控制組。繼之將調查所得資料利用SAS/PC+,分別採次數、百分比、t考驗及積差相關等統計方法分析。本之研究獲致結論:大學生服務學習與自我概念發展並無顯著相關;大學生服務學習與價值觀發展亦無顯著相關;大學生服務學習與助人行為發展也無顯著相關;大學生服務學習與人際關係發展仍無顯著相關。 根據文獻探討與實證研究的結果,在服務學習與學生發展方面,提出下列的建議:1.宣導服務學習模式與類型;2.推廣服務學習方案之設計;3.規畫服務學習之反省活動;4.發展服務學習評鑑之制度;5.提高大學生服務學習意願;6.建立服務利他的校園環境;7.整合課程學習與服務活動;8.強化大學生與社區的關係;9.熟悉服務學習的應用技巧。 雖研究者在實證過程中力求完善,但受主客觀因素的影響,檢討本研究過程,研究者提出如下之建議:1.擴大研究對象;2.增加研究變項;3.發展研究工具;4.採用多種研究方法;5.進行跨國文化比較。
This study was designed to explore theory of service learning and student development, and to investigate the effect of service learning upon the development of undergraduates, including self-concept, value, help behavior and human relationship. A questionnaire was designed to measure the relation between service learning and student development. By means of a multi-stage stratified sampling, the data for this investigation were provided by a survey of 726 undergraduates from 19 universities around Taiwan. 376 of them participate in service clubs as the experimental group while 350 do not as the control group. The responses to the questionnaire items were analyzed by various statistical methods, including frequency, proportion, t-test and Person product-moment correlation. The results indicated that: undergraduates with service learning experience or not showed no significant differences in their development-- self-concept, value, help behavior and human relationship. Based on related literature and the results in the present study, it was concluded by making the following suggestions on the theory of service learning and student development: (1)promote the model and the types of service learning;(2) advertise the design of service learning project;(3) formulate the reflection activities of service learning;(4) develop the evaluation of service learning;(5) cultivate undergraduates’ willingness for service learning;(6) provide an ideal school environment of service learning;(7) integrate the curriculum designs and service activities;(8) strengthen the relation between undergraduates and community;(9) practice the application skill of service learning. At last, regardless of the existent defects, this thesis may provide helpful implication and suggestions for further studies as follows: (1) ?expand the sampling;(2) multiply the dependent variances;(3) improve the questionnaire and its measurement;(4) adopt various research methods;(5) make a cross-cultural compariso
This study was designed to explore theory of service learning and student development, and to investigate the effect of service learning upon the development of undergraduates, including self-concept, value, help behavior and human relationship. A questionnaire was designed to measure the relation between service learning and student development. By means of a multi-stage stratified sampling, the data for this investigation were provided by a survey of 726 undergraduates from 19 universities around Taiwan. 376 of them participate in service clubs as the experimental group while 350 do not as the control group. The responses to the questionnaire items were analyzed by various statistical methods, including frequency, proportion, t-test and Person product-moment correlation. The results indicated that: undergraduates with service learning experience or not showed no significant differences in their development-- self-concept, value, help behavior and human relationship. Based on related literature and the results in the present study, it was concluded by making the following suggestions on the theory of service learning and student development: (1)promote the model and the types of service learning;(2) advertise the design of service learning project;(3) formulate the reflection activities of service learning;(4) develop the evaluation of service learning;(5) cultivate undergraduates’ willingness for service learning;(6) provide an ideal school environment of service learning;(7) integrate the curriculum designs and service activities;(8) strengthen the relation between undergraduates and community;(9) practice the application skill of service learning. At last, regardless of the existent defects, this thesis may provide helpful implication and suggestions for further studies as follows: (1) ?expand the sampling;(2) multiply the dependent variances;(3) improve the questionnaire and its measurement;(4) adopt various research methods;(5) make a cross-cultural compariso