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鑑於我國教育部近年大力提倡創造力教育,國中九年一貫生活科技課程也開始重視並嘗試具有創造力的教學方式,讓學生能夠具有問題解決以及多元思考的能力,而心智繪圖亦是強調創新思維啟發的輔助思考工具。因此,本研究探討心智繪圖教學實施在生活科技課程上,對國中生科技創造力之影響。透過準實驗教學活動的進行,了解心智繪圖教學模式是否有助於國中生科技創造力的提升。 本研究以台北市某國中九年級的六個班為研究對象,分別各選取三個班為實驗組與控制組,實驗組接受心智繪圖教學;控制組接受傳統講述教學,兩組同時進行八週「校園綠建築設計單元」教學活動。本研究使用2005年葉玉珠編製的「科技創造力測驗」評量學生創造表現前後測差異之工具;另外採用張玉山於2003年所編製之「構想創意評量表」作為學生作品評量工具,獲得量化資料後再以t檢定、平均數、標準差、共變數分析等統計方法進行分析。並且利用課堂觀察、課後訪談以及學生所繪之心智繪圖等質化資料進行探討,研究學生的科技創造力是否有所影響。本研究主要結果如下: 一、 心智繪圖教學對國中生科技創意思考能力的提升具正面影響。 二、 心智繪圖教學對提升國中生科技創意思考能力顯著優於傳統講述教學。 三、 心智繪圖教學對提升國中生科技創造表現顯著優於傳統講述教學。 四、 心智繪圖教學對國中生科技創造歷程具正面影響。 五、 心智繪圖教學與傳統講述教學對國中生科技創造歷程具不同影響。
Education on creativity has been advocated and promoted by the Ministry of Education of Republic of China, Taiwan. The courses of living technology for junior high school students in the Grade 1-9 curriculum focus on students’ abilities of diversion thinking and problem solving, which can be aroused by mind mapping, as known as a useful tool that emphasizes the inspiration of creative thinking. This study aims to discuss the influences that mind mapping instructions in the living technology curriculum might have on junior high school students’ technological creativity. Quasi-experimental teaching activities were designed and conducted to six classes of Grade-9 students in a junior high school in Taipei. Whether mind mapping instructions in the living technology curriculum contributes to enhancing the technological creativity or not is thus understood through the activities. Three of the six classes were experimental group in which mind mapping instructions were implemented while the other three were baseline group and were given traditional lectures only. A teaching activity of “Design a Green Building on Campus” had also been applied on both groups for eight weeks. In this research, “The Test of Creativity of Technology” edited by Yu-Chu Yeh (2005) is used to collect data which show the differences of students’ creativity performances between the pre-test and the post-test; “Scale of Designing Creativity” designed by Yu-Shan Chang (2003) is also adopted to assess students’ works. All the data obtained were analyzed by T-Test, Median, Standard Division, and ANCOVA. The findings of the research were summarized as follows. 1.Mind mapping instructions in the living technology curriculum contribute to inspiring creative thinking in the technological creativity of junior high school students. 2.Mind mapping instructions in the living technology curriculum significantly excel traditional lectures in inspiring creative thinking in the technological creativity of junior high school students. 3.Mind mapping instructions in the living technology curriculum significantly excel traditional lectures in enhancing performances of the technological creativity of junior high school students. 4.Mind mapping instructions in the living technology curriculum contribute positive influence to the technological creative production of junior high school students. 5.Mind mapping instructions in the living technology curriculum have different influences from traditional lectures on technological creative production of junior high school students.



科技創造力, 心智繪圖, 科技創造歷程, technological creativity, mind mapping, technological creative production





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