

摘 要 本文將研究者高中美術老師的教學生涯,依據發展需求分為四個時期:萌芽時期、探究時期、建構時期、發展時期。利用生命史的質性研究法,透過生命故事的敘說、文件資料之蒐集、問卷及訪談,針對四個時期之教學信念與教學省思做個案研究,並將研究結果歸納為以下三點: (一)研究者的學生時代的經驗、因應教學對象之不同、專業能力的改變及為學生設想等教學信念影響研究者的教學行為。 (二)研究者經由教師生涯各時期教學信念內涵演變之探討後,認為教導普通班與數理資優班學生理論課程必須注重培養學生的品味、想像力、判斷力,並加強學生的人文素養,表現課程應注重加深、統整及生活化;教導美術班學生水彩課程,採用多元及創意表現的教學,嚴格要求學生術科基本能力及蒐集資料的能力,培養創作的專業態度。 (三)研究者教學生涯各時期教學信念之省思,導致專業及個人進修,促進了教師專業發展;美術教學的自主與挑戰性,成為個人潛能的再開發及成就感的來源,人生因分享而豐富多采。教職對研究者而言,不只是一份工作,而是「終身不悔的志業」。 最後根據上述研究結果進行分析及形成結論,並對視覺文化藝術教育時代美術教師提出教學思考建議及後續研究建議,以提供未來相關研究之參考。 關鍵詞:教學信念、教學省思、生命史研究、教師生涯發展、教師專業發展
Abstract This study is based on my teaching experience as a senior high school art teacher. I have divided my teaching career into four stages, out of demands on development. These four stages are embryonic stage, probing stage, formation stage, and development stage. The main focus of this study is to examine my belief and reflection on teaching through these four stages of my life as a teacher. By adapting the approach of study the nature of life history, I have come to three conclusions by means of life story narration, data& literature collection, questionnaire, and interviews. 1.My teaching approach was heavily influenced by four factors: my experiences as a student, subject's various backgrounds, my gaining capabilities of professionalism and consideration for students. 2.After looking into changes of connotation of my belief through different stages, I proposed different focuses for teaching students with different backgrounds. For teaching general and talented mathematics & physics students, in theoretical courses, the focus should be cultivating students’ capability of appreciation, imagination and criticism while humanity and literature emphasized alongside; in presentation courses, the focus should be sharpening their skills and integration into daily life. For teaching talented art students watercolor painting, diversified approaches should be adopted, and creativity stressed. Students were under high demand of mastering basic skill and ability to research, in expectation of students striving for professionalism. 3.Reflection on my belief in every stage of my teaching career had resulted in my personal pursuit of professionalism, and striving to achieve professionalism in teaching. The autonomous and challenging nature in visual art teaching became the drive of reinventing myself for greater potential and achievement. Through sharing my life and experience with students and others, I have lived my life to the fullest. Teaching was no longer just a job, but a goal of my life devotion. Finally, the conclusion was drawn from analysis and discussions of this study. Some suggestions and thoughts were proposed for further studies in related topics. Keywords: teaching belief, reflection on teaching approach, studies of life history, teaching career development, striving for professionalism



教學信念, 教學省思, 生命史研究, 教師生涯發展, 教師專業發展, teaching belief, reflection on teaching approach, studies of life history, teaching career development, striving for professionalism





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