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  本研究旨在探討「團體探究法」與「拼圖法」兩種合作學習模式應用於國民中學綜合活動學習領域,學生的學習情形與其在「問題解決能力」與「合作技巧」之關鍵能力表現情形。   本研究採個案研究法,以研究者任教的一所國中八年級共34位學生為對象,透過研究者的參與觀察、訪談紀錄、學生的學習單、學習回饋表、前後測量表資料進行質性詮釋與描述性統計分析,獲得以下研究結果:一、學生在團隊中能自行產生適當的領導者,並主動參與團隊工作;二、學生凝聚團隊向心力,懂得互助學習;三、學生提高學習動機,改善其學習態度;四、學生提升表達意見、尊重發言、表決爭議與服從多數等民主素養;五、學生認識自己的優缺點,提升其自信心;六、在「團體探究法」模式課程中,任務分工不均的現象明顯;在「拼圖法」模式課程中,分工狀況較均衡;七、在「團體探究法」模式課程中,小隊氣氛佳,同學互相幫忙與討論的情形明顯;在「拼圖法」模式課程中,小隊氣氛較差;八、在「團體探究法」模式課程中,學生覺得學習較困難,壓力較大;在「拼圖法」模式課程中,學習壓力較小;九、量化資料無法證明此兩種合作學習模式能提升學生的「問題解決能力」,但從質性資料中可得知能提升學生的「問題解決能力」;十、學生的「合作技巧」提升。最後,研究者再依據教學上的實施限制與自我反思,提出教學上的改進措施與未來研究的建議。
The purpose of this research was to examine the Junior High school students’ problem solving and cooperation skills after incorporating two cooperative learning models: the Group Investigation (GI) and jigsaw, into the integrate-activity learning area. This research method was a case study, and the participants were 34 students from an eighth grade class at one junior high school in Taoyuan County. Data was collected through observation, interview, worksheets, feedbacks, and questionnaires. The collected data was analyzed by using descriptive statistics. The major findings of this research included: (1) Students could elect proper leaders voluntarily within their teams and take the initiative in participating the team work; (2) The team cohesion within students was enhanced and students understood how to help each other; (3) The learning motivation of students was enhanced and their learning attitude was improved; (4) Students increased their democratic accomplishments of expressing opinions, respecting the one making a statement or speech, deciding by vote to settle a controversy, and submitting to majority while respecting the others; (5) Students knew more about their advantages and disadvantages, and enhanced their confidence; (6) The class adopting the method of Group Investigation (GI) illustrated that the division of work was unequal; the class adopting the method of jigsaw illustrated that the division of work was more proper; (7) The class adopting the method of Group Investigation (GI) illustrated that the ambiance within teams was good, and the situation which students helped each other and discussed things often occurs. The class adopting the method of jigsaw illustrated that the ambiance within teams was bad; (8) The class adopting the method of Group Investigation (GI) illustrated that students found learning more difficult and more stressful; the class adopting the method of jigsaw illustrated that students found learning less stressful; (9) The quantitative data could not prove that the two cooperative learning models could improve students’ skill of solving problems, but we can find that the two cooperative learning models improved students’ skills of solving problems from the qualitative data; (10) The cooperative skills of students were enhanced. The curriculum is refined based on teaching reflection to acknowledge its feasibility and limitation. Suggestions toward future researches are also proposed.



合作學習, 綜合活動學習領域, 個案研究, cooperative learning, integrate-activity learning area, case study

