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本論文中,使用溶膠凝膠法中之旋轉塗佈法製備氧化鋅非晶質薄膜材料,並鍍在鋁電極與玻璃基板上,分別就三種不同觀點探討 (1) 常溫下利用電場效應對氧化鋅薄膜改質之探討,(2) 不同退火溫度下施加電場對氧化鋅薄膜之影響,以及(3)常溫下金屬電極通電後對氧化鋅薄膜之影響。再分別藉由改變以上三種不同方式之研究參數,如電壓大小、正負偏壓、時間等條件,對製備完成的氧化鋅薄膜試片進行SEM、XRD、XPS等驗證方式探討。經實驗結果之比對,隨著實驗時間的增加,對氧化鋅薄膜施加不同電壓以及電場的控制,可有效的改變氧化鋅薄膜退火後之微結構形貌與特性。除此之外,金屬層因焦耳熱及電遷移作用下產生發熱的現象,導致氧化鋅薄膜表面微結構與結晶產生變化。
In this paper, we try to obtain crystalline texture within ZnO under room temperature with different electrical field and current. We fabricate ZnO thin film on glass substrate on which aluminum electrodes are evaporated by Sol-Gel spin coating technique at first. Then all specimens are divided into three sets which are respectively treated with different experimental design method for following observation (1) How to improve the quality of ZnO thin films by applying electrical field on them under room temperature. (2) The comparison of applying electrical field over ZnO thin films under different annealing temperatures (3) the effect of electrode which conducts electricity to ZnO thin films. Finally, specimens with different experimental parameters, such as voltages, forward or negative bias and time of applying voltage are investigated with SEM(Scanning Electron Microscope), XRD and XPS. After analyzing experimental results, we know that applying electrical field of different magnitudes over ZnO thin films apparently changes the micro-structure and characteristics of ZnO thin films after annealing as experimental time increases. Besides, that metal layer heats up due to electromigration changes the micro-structure and crystalline texture of ZnO thin films surface.



溶膠凝膠法, 氧化鋅薄膜, 電場效應, 電遷移, sol-gel method, ZnO thin films, electric field effect, Electromigration effect

