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資訊時代中,電腦網路的技術不斷地加速演進,為了達到更有效,教 學上的運用也是不斷的推陳出新。目前市面上也有許多相關的線上測評系統。但並不是所有的系統都能有效地分析學生的學習狀況,大多數的線上 測評系統,皆只有學生測驗,老師收到成績的單向功能。因此,本研究為 了讓教師在教學上能更加精進,提升學生學習成效,打破以往只有測驗功 能的測驗系統,建置師生溝通的雙項功能。在系統中分成了三種權限模 式,包含了學生端、教師端、管理端三種,並擁有線上測評、題庫編輯、 試卷編輯、試題編輯、試題診斷分析、成績處理、成績診斷分析、及時回 饋、班級帳號管理、系統管理以及教學討論區的功能,進而提高學習上的 效率。 研究結果發現,使用者經由線上測評診斷系統的練習分析後,學生學 習成效是有明顯的提升的,且多數需補救教學的使用者,經由不停的使用 系統練習,獲取需加強的觀念後進行複習,且在教學討論區中提出課程上 的問題,達到學習成效的提升。
In the Internet era IT and internet technology use in teaching and learning change the learning process. There are many systems on the market but most of the systems only focus on examines and teachers receive the result. In order to assist teachers’ teaching and enforcement students’ learning this system establish a platform allows teachers and students communication in the system. The system divided into three jurisdiction patterns the students carrier, the teacher carries and the management carries also included wired evaluates, the question bank edit, the examination paper edit, the test question edition, the test question diagnostic analysis, result processing, the result diagnostic analysis, the prompt back coupling, the class and grade account number management, the system administration as well as the teaching discussion area function, then in enhancement study efficiency. The findings discovered that, users after on-line evaluation diagnosis system practice analysis, the student’s learning result shows obvious progression, also by master learning, repeat practicing and discussion via this system students gain more knowledge to enforcement their learning result.



線上測評, 試題診斷分析, 資源共享, 資訊系統成功模式, Online evaluation, Diagnosis of questions, resource sharing, information system success model

