一、 對於教育行政機關的建議:1. 將溝通行動素養納入校長培訓課程。2. 辦理教師溝通行動素養培育研習。3. 強化國民中學教育人員校園衝突管理知能。4. 加強鄉鎮及年輕教育人員人際互動減少衝突發生。
二、 對於學校教育人員的建議:1. 採取樂於溝通的態度與人互動以建立友善的人際關係。2. 以開放的心態面對不同意見的表達。3. 應學習說明、傾聽及論辯的能力。4. 致力於溝通內容的真實、合理、令人理解才能有效溝通。5. 以真誠、得體、互相尊重的方式與他人互動、溝通。6. 致力於營造理想的溝通情境,使民主機制更為健全。7. 適時檢視及修正自己的意識型態,以避免為偏見所主導。
三、 對未來研究的建議:1. 蒐集更多衝突情境作為探討依據。2. 以校長為主要研究對象以探討校長溝通行動素養對學校的影響。
The main purpose of this research is to explore the feasibility of applying Habermas’s communication action theory to conflict management in junior high school. This research methodically adopts in-depth interviews and survey questionnaires. Interview objects contains 9 educators in 4 schools, includes a remote area school and three general area schools. Survey questionnaires master groups contains 722 junior high schools in Taiwan, and samples 100 schools by stratified purposive sampling. And concludes the following findings: 1. Conflict often causes by people not applying communication action in daily interaction in junior high school. 2. Educators in junior high school apply communication action during conflict process can prevent it to become dysfunctional effect. 3. Educators in junior apply communication action to conflict management can change it to be functional effect. 4. The best strategy of conflict management for educators in junior high school is to apply communication action in daily interaction. 5. Applying communication action includes having attitude of happy to communicate with others, and using true, reasonable, and comprehensible communication content, and communicating in sincere, appropriate, and respect manner, and reflecting and revising ideology during interaction and communication process. 6. If the principal of the junior high school have a good view about communication action , then the communication environment of the school will become better. 7. If the ability of applying communication action of the educators be improved, then their ability of conflict management will be improved. 8. Most educators in junior high school agree that if they apply communication action better then they will manage conflict better. 9. The opinion about conflict management, communication action , and conflict condition vary significantly by individual educator in the .junior high school. Finally this research raises several suggestions to three groups: 1. Suggestions to government departments in charge of education affairs: (1) Involve communication action courses during junior high school principal’s cultivating process. (2) Implement teacher’s in-service training about applying communication action. (3) Improve the knowledge of conflict management of educators in junior high school. (4) Improve the interaction of educators in town and young educators to prevent the happening of conflict. 2. Suggestions to educators in junior high school: (1) Use positive attitude of communication to interact with others, and make friendly interpersonal relations with others. (2) Open your mind to listen different opinions. (3) Learn how to listen, descript, and discourse. (4) Use true, reasonable, comprehensible communication content, so can have communication validity. (5) Communicate in sincere, appropriate, and respect manner with others. (6) Create prefect communication environment as best as you can, then the democracy mechanism will consolidate. (7) Reflect and revise ideology in appropriate time, so can avoid to be lead by bias. 3. Suggestions to those who are interested in further studies in the related field: (1) Explore more cases of conflict conditions. (2) Research how far a principal affect the communication environment in a junior high school.
The main purpose of this research is to explore the feasibility of applying Habermas’s communication action theory to conflict management in junior high school. This research methodically adopts in-depth interviews and survey questionnaires. Interview objects contains 9 educators in 4 schools, includes a remote area school and three general area schools. Survey questionnaires master groups contains 722 junior high schools in Taiwan, and samples 100 schools by stratified purposive sampling. And concludes the following findings: 1. Conflict often causes by people not applying communication action in daily interaction in junior high school. 2. Educators in junior high school apply communication action during conflict process can prevent it to become dysfunctional effect. 3. Educators in junior apply communication action to conflict management can change it to be functional effect. 4. The best strategy of conflict management for educators in junior high school is to apply communication action in daily interaction. 5. Applying communication action includes having attitude of happy to communicate with others, and using true, reasonable, and comprehensible communication content, and communicating in sincere, appropriate, and respect manner, and reflecting and revising ideology during interaction and communication process. 6. If the principal of the junior high school have a good view about communication action , then the communication environment of the school will become better. 7. If the ability of applying communication action of the educators be improved, then their ability of conflict management will be improved. 8. Most educators in junior high school agree that if they apply communication action better then they will manage conflict better. 9. The opinion about conflict management, communication action , and conflict condition vary significantly by individual educator in the .junior high school. Finally this research raises several suggestions to three groups: 1. Suggestions to government departments in charge of education affairs: (1) Involve communication action courses during junior high school principal’s cultivating process. (2) Implement teacher’s in-service training about applying communication action. (3) Improve the knowledge of conflict management of educators in junior high school. (4) Improve the interaction of educators in town and young educators to prevent the happening of conflict. 2. Suggestions to educators in junior high school: (1) Use positive attitude of communication to interact with others, and make friendly interpersonal relations with others. (2) Open your mind to listen different opinions. (3) Learn how to listen, descript, and discourse. (4) Use true, reasonable, comprehensible communication content, so can have communication validity. (5) Communicate in sincere, appropriate, and respect manner with others. (6) Create prefect communication environment as best as you can, then the democracy mechanism will consolidate. (7) Reflect and revise ideology in appropriate time, so can avoid to be lead by bias. 3. Suggestions to those who are interested in further studies in the related field: (1) Explore more cases of conflict conditions. (2) Research how far a principal affect the communication environment in a junior high school.
衝突管理, 溝通行動, 哈伯瑪斯, communication action, conflict management, Habermas