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研究⽬的:應⽤計畫⾏為理論來探討台灣哺乳婦⼥個⼈現代性和傳統性與公共場所母乳哺育的關係及影響。研究⽅法:本研究採橫斷研究設計,針對台灣地區的哺乳婦⼥進⾏抽樣並進⾏網路問卷調查,研究樣本數⽬為 358 名,以描述性統計分析、相關分析及路徑分析等⽅法來檢驗研究假設。研究結果:個⼈傳統性對公共場所母乳哺育⾏為有直接及間接的負向影響,表明傳統性⾼者在公共場所進⾏母乳哺育的頻率較低。⽽現代性對公共場所母乳哺育⾏為無直接顯著影響,但具有間接的正向影響,表明現代性⾼者在公共場所進⾏母乳哺育的頻率較⾼。傳統性與態度、知覺⾏為控制及⾏為意向具負向影響,現代性與態度、主觀規範、知覺⾏為控制及⾏為意向具正向影響。態度、主觀規範和知覺⾏為控制與⾏為意向有顯著正向影響,且⾏為意向⾼者在公共場所母乳哺育的頻率也較⾼。研究結論:婦⼥個⼈傳統性與現代性,會影響在公共場所母乳哺育的意向及⾏為,建議為提⾼台灣地區的母乳哺育率,尤其是在公共場所,可從多⽅⾯⼊⼿,包括政策制定、公共教育、以及家庭和社會的⽀持,營造友善的哺乳環境,同時教育公眾以改變對哺乳⾏為的刻板印象,從⽽促進母乳哺育的普及與健康福祉的提升。
Objective: This study aims to explore the relationship and influence of personal modernity and traditionality of breastfeeding women in Taiwan on breastfeeding in public places, apply-ing the Planned Behavior Theory.Methods: This study adopts a cross-sectional research design, sampling breastfeeding wom-en in Taiwan and conducting an online questionnaire survey. The research sample size is 358 participants. Descriptive statistical analysis, correlation analysis, and path analysis methods are used to test the research hypotheses.Results: Individual Traditionality has both direct and indirect negative effects on breastfeed-ing behavior in public places. This indicates that women with higher traditionality tend to breastfeed less frequently in public. Modernity does not have a direct significant influence but has an indirect positive effect, suggesting that women with higher modernity tend to breastfeed more frequently in public. Traditionality negatively affects attitudes, perceived be-havioral control, and behavioral intentions, while modernity positively influences attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, and behavioral intentions. Attitudes, subjec-tive norms, and perceived behavioral control significantly positively influence behavioral in-tention. Higher behavioral intention leads to a higher frequency of breastfeeding in public places.Conclusion: The Individual Traditionality-Modernity of women influences their intentions and behaviors regarding breastfeeding in public places. To increase the breastfeeding rate in Taiwan, especially in public places, a multifaceted approach is recommended. This includes policy formulation, public education, family and societal support, creating a breastfeeding-friendly environment, and educating the public to change stereotypes about breastfeeding. These measures aim to promote the prevalence of breastfeeding and enhance health and well-being.



公共場所母乳哺育, 個⼈傳統性與現代性, 計畫⾏為理論, Public breastfeeding, individual traditionality and modernity, Theory of Planned Behavior





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