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National Taiwan Normal University Special Education Center


近年來,由於高等教育的普及和多元入學方案之實施,身心障礙者就讀大學校院人數逐漸增加,未來如何銜接至就業職場,是大學端需要關注的焦點。本研究主要目的在探討大學校院學習障礙學生之就業轉銜服務需求,以及學校提供就業轉銜服務之現況,並了解兩者之落差,期待找出未來服務方向。本研究以全國大學校院學習障礙學生為研究對象,利用自編「大學校院學習障礙學生就業轉銜服務之需求與提供」問卷為工具,回收有效問卷197 份。結果發現:大學校院學習障礙學生就業轉銜服務需求最高的是「職業探索與準備」,其次依序為「資源連結」、「校內就業支持」及「自我探索」。學校提供服務最多的為「自我探索」,其次依序為「校內就業支持」、「職業探索與準備」及「資源連結」。在需求程度和提供程度落差方面,大學校院學習障礙學生在「職業探索與準備」的需求,顯著高於學校所提供的服務支持,顯示學生認為此方面的需求並未被滿足。而在「自我探索」的需求,顯著低於學校所提供的服務支持,以及在「資源連結」和「校內就業支持」兩個向度,需求與提供支持之間未有顯著差異。然而,學校實際提供服務的狀況,以及其他影響供需的相關因素在本研究中並沒有被討論,因此,學習障礙學生在此三方面之需求仍應審慎看待。文末並針對研究結果提出相關建議。
In recent years, due to the available of education and multi-enrollment methods, more and more students with disabilities have been getting into universities. How to transit these students from education to work sites has thus become the focus of universities. This study aimed: (1) to investigate the needs of employment transition for those students with learning disability (LD) at the university levels and (2) to investigate the status of the employment services provided by their universities and (3) to understand the discrepancy between (1) and (2) to find out the suitable services in the future. In this study, students with LD were recruited as research participants and 197 valid questionnaires were collected. A self-designed questionnaire, "Needs and Provisions of Transition Services for Students with Learning Disabilities in Universities", was used as the research tool. The results showed that the most in-demand transition services for these participants were the options "career exploration and preparation" and "resource link." "Employment support in schools" and "self-exploration" were next options subsequently. However, "self-exploration" was the option that the universities provided most frequently. The next options were "employment support in schools", "career exploration and preparation" and "resource links" subsequently. In terms of the discrepancy between supply and demand , the demand for "career exploration and preparation" for these participants is significantly higher than that was provided by the universities. This indicated that the needs of these participants in this option have not been met. In contrast, the demand for "self-exploration" was significantly lower than that which was provided by the universities. There were no significant differences between the two dimensions in terms of "resource link" and "employment support in schools". However, the actual status of services provided by schools, as well as other factors affecting supply anddeman






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