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建物是現代人類生活環境中的重要組成,更是人類文化重要的元素之一。在自然環境變遷及都市迅速發展的雙重影響下,建物更新十分頻繁,有些藉由現地活化再利用(如:華山1914文創園區)或移地保存(如:林安泰古厝)方式得以幸運保存,但有更多建物消逝在都市更新的快速洪流中。過去只能從老照片中回憶建物的蛛絲馬跡,但隨著攝影測量密匹配技術及光達測量技術的發展,三維像真建物模型(Photo-realistic Building Model)成為建物的最佳數位典藏方案。然而,攝影測量軟體或光達儀器均非一般使用者所能負擔,因此出現像Trimble SketchUp這類簡易三維建模工具,大幅降低了模型產製的門檻,數位化保存建物不再只能依賴專業人士。目前這些三維模型大多只能以虛擬實境的方式(如:Google Earth或Skyline)呈現在電腦螢幕中,不容易看出與真實環境中的互動關係,因此本文引入擴增實境技術,使典藏的三維像真建物模型能夠在真實環境中風華再現。本文主要提出開發門檻相對低的三維像真建物模型之擴增實境展示的簡易開發方案,並設計展示系統驗證其可行性,並修正流程中所產生的問題,而後推廣至一群測試者,透過測試者回饋以驗證其簡易程度,最後評估整個流程帶來的效益。
Buildings are an indispensable part of the modern human living environment, and more important, one of the essential elements of culture heritage. Under the dual influence of environmental changes and urban development, urban renewals are frequently planned. Some unused buildings were luckily being repurposed or planned for ex-situ conservation, but there were more being demolished without proper discussion. In the past, buildings were archived by photos, but with the development of dense matching and LiDAR surveying, 3D Photo-realistic Building Model became the best solution for digital archive of buildings. However, photogrammetric software and LiDAR are not affordable for average users. The birth of simple modeling tools like Trimble SketchUp significantly reduced the difficulty of producing 3D building models and also enabled average users to do so. Currently, 3D building models are usually displayed by the way of Virtual Reality like Google Earth or Skyline. The interactivity of 3D building models and the real world is not well implemented. Therefore, with the help of Augmented Reality (AR) technology, the purpose of this study was to integrate 3D building models into the real world. Another aim was to greatly reduce the cost and simplify the process of producing 3D Photo-realistic Models, converting models to specific formats in demand, and designing geo-sensed AR environment to display the models by proposing a solution. Then an AR system was implemented to prove that the solution is feasible. Finally, the solution was evaluated and examined by applying to a selected group of subjects in the study.



三維像真建物模型, 擴增實境, 虛擬實境, 3D Photo-realistic Building Model, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality





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